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Ashlyn Jesse

I sat on the edge of a cot in the nurse's office, swinging my legs back and forth. My mom had been called to come pick me up early. Not that then end of the day was that far away, but when you smash your head into the floor of the gym and develop a concussion, protocol is to have your parents pick you up right away.

My vision had dramatically improved, but my head still swayed. Though I should have been thinking about my health, all my mind could do was think about Adam.

The memory had been seared into my brain.

No one had ever touched me like that. Brutally. Unforgivingly.

I felt filthy.

"Okay. Your mom is parked in the front circle. I just called Mr. Guy and he sent a student up with your bag and clothes." The nurse said, her hair slicked back into a tight, flawless bun.

"Thanks." I mutter and stand up, trying to ignore the nauseous feeling erupting in my stomach.

"Remember to get lots of rest tonight and no dangerous activities."

I nod and left the office, walking slowly to the front. I was glad that class hadn't ended quite yet, I didn't want to talk to anyone.

As I was about to round the corner to the front foyer, I heard hushed voices arguing.

"Luke what are you doing?"

"Just give me her bag Kelsey."

"Why? Mr. Guy asked me to bring it to her."

"Kelsey. Just give it. Go back to class."

A sigh. "Fine, Luke. Whatever. I'll leave you to your flirting."

A slight tremor of misplaced fear runs through my veins. I didn't exactly want to be alone with a guy right now. Even if it was Luke.

I step out from around the corner and start to walk up to them. Their heads swing in my direction. "Oh. Hey Ash!" Kelsey said and awkwardly stepped away from Luke. Thankfully she was still holding my bag.

"You brought my bag?" I ask and stop in front of her. "Thanks Kelsey." I take my bag from her and look to Luke, smiling briefly. "Thanks guys. I'll see you tomorrow."

I walk passed them and step outside, standing still for a moment as I let the cool breeze wash over me. My mom's car was parked a few yards away, waiting for me. "Ash." A voice called from behind me.

Luke jogs up to my side and places a hand on my shoulder. I try not to flinch away from him. "Mr. Guy said that you have a concussion."

I place a hand on my head. "Just a mild one." I say with a small smile.

"You should stay home tomorrow. It will take more than one night to make you feel better." Luke said, not removing his hand from my shoulder.

"It's not that bad." I say, looking towards my moms car again. "I just hit the floor kind of hard."

"Because that bastard tripped you." Luke said, his voice laced with a slight pulse of venom. "Did anything happen? When he took you to the nurse?"

I shook my head. "Of course not. Adam ditched me." The lie came easily enough.

Luke squeezed my shoulder. "Are you sure you're fine to come to school tomorrow?"

Sighing, I nod my head. "Yes. I'm fine. Bye Luke."

I shrug off his shoulder and start walking to my mom's car. "Bye Ash." Luke says almost regretfully behind me.

Hugging my arms closer around myself, I pull my bag closer to my body and walk to my moms car as fast as I can. I tried to calm my rapidly beating heart and remind myself how bad yesterday was compared to today. At least I hadn't run out of gym crying today.

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