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Everything is fuzzy and out of focus. My entire body hurts. Why is everything moving in slow motion?

Cool fingers press against my cheek and I try to see a glimpse of golden hair.

I don't know how I'm so sure that it is Ash, I just know it's her.

My mate.

The panic and pain in her voice has my mind surging, trying to get me out of this haze I'm in. She's hurt. She's panicking. I need to get to her.

I whine at her voice, not sure where she is exactly, but I know that she isn't touching me anymore.

"It's okay." Her voice says, still full of panic. Even though her words soothed me, I focus on anything other than the agony in her voice. "It's going to be okay."

My vision clears more and more with each passing second.

I'm vaguely aware of Sage in the backseat, in no better shape than me.

A streak of red ran down Ash's eyebrow and into her hair, giving her blond waves a line of red. I whined again, not being able to get to her.

My hand twitches from somewhere as I'm suspended upside down.

Ash looks to me, her eyes bloodshot and tears leaking out of them. I grab her hand as her body goes limp.

Panic surges through me as I watch her lifeless body hang from the seat.

"A- Ash." I croak out, coming more to.

That's when I notice the black boots outside of the car, walking slowly to Ash's door.

"Hello?" I groan.

The boots stop just outside the door and I'm blinking furiously to try to clear my head. Adrenaline is already working its way through my system, and my body trying to come to life.

I needed to get up.

My eyes flicked to the back seat and Sage is looking directly at me, and I can tell by his eyes that he was thinking the same thing as me.

That person that we hit, was not human.

The boots scuffed the ground.

They squatted down and stuck their head through the missing window.

Long white hair framed her face and I sucked in a breath at her golden eyes. The woman reached a hand out to touch Ash and I growled.

"Don't you fucking touch her."

Gold eyes flicked to me. She looked at me for a second and then grabbed a hold of Ash's seatbelt. She tugged and scooped up Ash's limp body carefully.

There was a woosh and suddenly there was a second person helping lift Ash. "Good timing Jebeddiah."

"Get your hands off of her!" Sage growled from the back.

The woman didn't even glance at him as she gently carried Ash out of the car.

"Hey!" I shouted, and now that Ash was out of sight, it was like all of the fight I had came into my body.

I ripped the seatbelt straight out of the door and crashed onto the roof. Only pausing to rip Sage out of his seat, we crawled out of the truck.

The woman was kneeling in the middle of the road, Ash lying on the ground in front of her.

I growled and stalked toward her, Sage close behind me.

Ronnie pushed himself at the back of my mind, every so gently. I didn't bother checking the tree line as I hear three more growls rip across the night, the sound of claws scraping against the ground.

Rejected At First Sight (Spinoff Series)Where stories live. Discover now