Chapter 29

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Mephiles reluctantly sat back in his seat. Glaring at the black and pink hedgehog across from him. Shadow smile lowers when he looks over to his client, "We'll drop off the packages at The Temporary Bliss Bar. If there's any specific-" "I believe Amy's your partner?" Both hedgehogs were surprised by Mephiles sudden question. "Why are you asking?" Shadow was skeptical of his answer. He knows what Mephiles is like with women; so if even dares to try anything with his rose- "Instead of offering extra supplies, you could allow me to spend some time with this beautiful rose here." Amy's eyes widen at the suggestion, as Scourge pits out his drink in the process. Like hell Shadow would let this happen. Before he could object, Amy does it for him. "Excuse me?! I'm not some toy that can be thrown around!" Mephiles hides the small smirk forming on his face. The girl's got fire; he likes that.

"The answer is obvious Mephiles." Shadow comments, picking up his drink and having a long sip. He had to stay professional, for the time being. "Then you're agreeing." In a sudden motion, Amy was pulled to Mephiles side. Shadow stands up, "Let her go." His voice was full of anger. Mephiles grip tightens on Amy's arm. Out of fear, Amy pulls out the custom Glock 42, shooting at his foot. Mephiles screams and loses his grip on the hedgehog. Amy swiftly runs back to Shadow's side. The black hedgehog quickly pulls out his guns, upon seeing his clients' bodyguards prepare to retaliate. Mephiles fall back to the couch, as dancers begin to scream from the sound of a gunshot. Shadow has a stare-off with the guards, "You psychotic bitch!" Amy glares down at the wounded hedgehog. Knowing well that he deserved it. Shadow gestures for Amy to back away, "We'll be going. You will get your last package as earliest as we can." They both swiftly head to the exit, Scourge follows soon after.

They need to get out fast, in case any of Mephiles men try to follow them. During the car ride, Amy was re-thinking what she had just done; she shot Mephiles. A well-known criminal that won't hesitate to kill anyone. She fucking shot him. "Amy?" Scourges voice breaks the hedgehog from her thoughts. "Y-yeah?" "Why in the living hell would you shoot Mephiles?!" Scourge was frankly pissed that she -what he considers- would do something so stupid. Mephiles was high up in the criminal chain. He preferred if Amy had just agreed to his deal. "I just reacted, Scourge! I got scared and-" "So your first thought was to shoot him?! Do you want you to have-"


Shadow's shout causes the moment of silence. Both hedgehogs stare blankly at him; waiting for him to say something. "For now: we'll go home, get the gang prepped with guns, get security and have a good nights sleep. Understand?" They nod in response. "Scourge, you will have to stay at your girlfriends' for tonight. Just so we can drop the supplies quicker." Shadow adds in. All Scourge does is huff, not bothering to fight against this. The driver drops Scourge off at his girlfriends', then takes Shadow and Amy home. Shadow was quick to get his phone out, calling for security and his gang to be prepared for a possible gang war.

When the two hedgehogs get inside their bedroom, Amy begins to think of the possible future. IF this gang war does happen; one of them could die. They could never be able to fully experience more than they have in their relationship. Amy wants to experience everything in a relationship with Shadow. So she decides to make a move. As Shadow pulls off his shirt, Amy gently drags her index finger up his spine. Shadow stiffens in surprise. Shocked by the somewhat soft touch. "R-Rose?" Amy moves her hand up to his shoulder, moving closer against his back. She manages to kiss his neck by going on her tippy toes. Shadow's cheeks begin to go red from nervousness. Amy forms a hickie on his neck, before moving her mouth up to his ear.

"Shadow... I want you."

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