Chapter 24

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It was around 3 PM, Shadow and Amy were making their way to Thirlmere Lane. Which was near Amy's and Sonic's house. They were trying to figure out a way to make their relationship work. It was mostly complicated for Amy. She had friends, her house and possibly her mother to leave behind. Like most people, they won't accept her dating a criminal. A criminal like Shadow no less. If her mother found out about this, she surely won't accept it. "How can I tell Sonic about this?" Amy asks. She can't just go 'Hey Sonic, I love Shadow now so we're breaking up. Bye!' that's an awful thing to say to anyone. "Just be honest with him; tell him you love someone else and you don't want to be a two-timer." Shadow answers bluntly. Amy stayed silent, re-thinking his answer. He is kinda right. She should be plain, simple and honest with Sonic. Just get straight to the point; no bullshitting him. They stop walking, being 7 houses away from Amy's. It was time for them to separate. "Right; you do remember what you should do?" Shadow questions. Amy answers with a small nod. "Good." Shadow somewhat leans down to give a small kiss to her forehead. Making Amy giggle. "I'll have Scourge pick you up at Volcairn. At that cheesy corner cafe." "I'm guessing you mean Impresso Espresso?" Shadow nods with a small smile. "Yeah, that shit-hole."

Shadow begins to feel something buzz in his pants pocket. He was confused at first, until he reminded himself that it was his phone. He takes out his phone, to view a 'friend' of his was calling him. "I gotta go. See you later tonight." Amy gives a small peck on his cheek. "See ya till tonight." She winks, before skipping back home. Amy couldn't believe it, but she was actually excited to do this. It has been a while since she felt genuinely exhilarated about anything. This is happening; she's leaving Sonic for his enemy. It didn't take long until she was at home. She carefully, and as quietly as she could, closes the front door behind her. It seemed that Sonic was still at work. The atmosphere was quiet. Too quiet for Amy's liking. She makes her way pass the kitchen, noting an distraught hedgehog sitting at the table. "How was your day out?" Amy jumps in surprise, twisting her body to face him. His eyes were gazing down at the table though. As if he was deep in thought. "Oh, it was great! Wait, aren't you supposed to be at work?" Amy asks, taking a couple of steps closer to Sonic. However, she stops when Sonic quickly stands up. Staring down at the pink hedgehog with a discomposed look. "I was. But a certain police woman told me to head straight home. To 'check' up on my girlfriend. To see if she wasn't hurt. Or... taken." Her eyebrows rose slowly, as she began to understand what he meant. That undercover cop following her and Shadow. He knows.

Amy raises her hands, worried he would do something. Something he will surely regret. "Look Sonic-" "Why did you do it Ames? After all of this, you went back to him. Why?" Amy bites her bottom lip. Trying to think of a way to answer without turning this into a shouting fight. "Look, I'm sorry about this. All of this shit, but... I felt something for Shadow. Before he left me in that park, h-he kissed me." Although Sonic was angry by this confession, he stood still and silent. Letting Amy continue. "And I liked it. I began to miss him. I needed him. To speak with him. To look at him... I-I just wanted him. That's why I was with him today." Amy looks away, she couldn't look Sonic in the eyes. She felt so much guilt inside her. But she had to be honest with Sonic. "I... I love Shadow. This sounds crazy but I honestly do. He loves me as well and we kinda clicked together. I'm sorry!... Sonic, please say something." Sonic suddenly grabs Amy's arms. Pulling her closer to him, making her look back to him. To view tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "You're so stupid Amy! H-He could be lying to you! Manipulating you to ruin me! He can be using you to have a dig at me!" Sonic shouts, shaking Amy rather violently. "No he isn't Sonic! Let me go!" She tries to push him away, but he held his grip straining onto her arms. She thinks her arms begin to bruise from how tight his grip was. He was never like this before. "NO, I can't let you do this to yourself! He's. Fucking. Using. You!!" "SHUT UP!"

Sonic was sent flying to the wall, hitting his head onto a wooden shelf. Knocking him out fully. His unconscious body falls to the ground. As some objects from the shelf drop onto his body. Amy gulps, lightly holding her hammer with both hands. Staring at her unconscious boyfri- no- EX boyfriend on the kitchen floor. She needs to leave now. Amy shakes her head, attempting to shake away all of the guilt inside her. Placing her hammer away into thin air. Before running up to their shared room. Amy opens the wardrobe to take out a large pink carry-on luggage. Dropping it onto of the double bed, opening the suitcase. She began to throw as much clothing as she could into the case. Grabbing any other important items before closing the suitcase shut. Before she left the room, her eyes paused on a certain black case. For sure that had the ransom money. It would probably be a good idea to take it? Amy didn't have much time to decide so she took the case. As she ran towards the front door, she stops upon seeing her boyfriend. Still on the ground. She takes one last look at him, wishing she could leave a note behind. Saying how sorry she was for doing this. Saying how she wished it didn't end this way. Saying how she hopes she won't see him again. Saying how she used to love him.

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