Chapter 32

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Sonic glances up at the club's sign 'The Slash Club' with flashy neon lights. The reason for Sonic being here was thanks to new info given from an anonymous tipper. The info was that before all of these gangs wars, there was a rather big confrontation up in the VIP section. Saying that guns were pulled and everyone heard a gunshot. Sonic was going to interview the owner of the club and see if he can look through the camera footage. He enters through the front double doors; since it was only 4 PM there wasn't anyone in the club. Only the bartenders, dancers and hopefully, the owner.

He heads up to the office, knocking three times until a loud voice shouts "Hang on for fucks sake!!" Sonic bites his bottom lip anxiously, tapping his foot repetitively onto the ground. Through the door, there was sounds of objects being moved around. As if the owner was trying to hide something. All of a sudden, the door was swiftly opened to reveal the owner. They wore a dark green suit with booted heels. They were a anthropomorphic hyena, around their mid 30's. "Wha- oh, what do you want copper?" They ask, leaning against the doorway. It was clear he wasn't in the mood for anyone. Must've had a bad night -or possibly more- of work. "Security footage. I've heard that there has been an altercation a couple nights back." Sonic pushes past them, now standing in the middle of the office. The hyena glares at Sonic as he continues, "Something about a gun shot being heard up in the VIP room." A smirk forms onto Sonic's face once he hears the owner sign in defeat. He didn't want that to get out, especially to the police. This club was know for being the least violent, meaning more would come here than any other dodgy club.

"Fine-" The hyena walks over to his computer. He continues to talk as he brings up the camera footage. "-This had happened around a week ago. Something involving our VIP member; I can't show their face due to privacy so..." Sonic nods, understanding his reasoning for the blocked out faces. The video played out, the camera positioned in the corner of the VIP section. He could notice some of the people, even with their faces blocked out. Especially the pink hedgehog in the red dress. He saw the event from many nights ago unfold. A shocked gasp escaping his mouth upon seeing Mephiles being shot at. By non other than his ex-girlfriend.


Amy watches her boyfriend as he paces up and down the room. Trying to finish his call as fast as he could. Shadow needed his sleep; this call has lasted for a whole hour now. It was now edging to midnight. Amy sat in the bed, the covers resting on her lap. "Look, you tell that bastard to do as I said or he'll be having a watery grave before it's even morning." Shadow ends the call, before grunting in frustration. His men can be difficult to work with at times. The only one he could truly trust with a job was Scourge. Shadow slams his phone onto the counter, Amy glares at him, "Careful Shadow. You don't want it breaking do you?" He turns to face his rose, then sighs in exhaustion. Stumbling over to lay inside the bed beside her. Amy's quick to cuddle him, resting her head against his neck. Allowing her to smell his musky scent. "I'm sorry just- work can be so irritating."

The pink hedgehog smirks, planting small kisses across Shadows neck. He pretends that they don't affect, even though the heat in his cheeks were betraying him. "I know a way that can calm you down~" She giggles, before leaning up to gaze into her boyfriend's eyes. He gently grins, "Do you now?" Amy nods, before maneuvering herself to now be straddling Shadow. Leaning forward to have her lips right beside his ear. "I'm on top this time. You can just relax and let me do all of the work."


It took Sonic some time- about 3 hours- until he managed to get more information on that confrontation at The Slash Club. Due to Amy shooting Mephiles, that had started a gang war. He picked up on two thugs smoking outside of a bar. At first, he was going to avoid them. Until he heard, "So what is that pink hedgehog doing again?" "You idiot. You seriously don't remember what Shadow said?" Sonic pulls his jacket hood up, to hide his identity and continue listening in on their conversation. The thug who was leaning against the wall shakes his head. Causing for the other to groan at his friend being so clueless. "She's meeting that gray bastard in Watford at around 10 PM."  Sonic mentally notes the details. Although he doesn't know what day this meeting will occur, he knows where and the time. Sonic will have to go into Watford every day at 10 PM until he finds them. It may be a flimsy plan, but it is better than nothing.

(A/N: I gunna be honest, I've lost energy to properly finish this story. I've done the ending for it, but can't bothered writing how it got to the ending. This is going to sound lazy -and I know it is- I might just post the epilogue next. It sucks but I've lost motivation for this story and can't bother writing any more of this. Sorry!)

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