Chapter 23

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Amy opens her eyes, viewing the female bat sitting on her light purple couch. Her legs crossed with an arm over the couch. Pouting at them, "Seriously Shadow? Out of all of the places to go. You go to my apartment?" Shadow puts his chaos emerald back into his hoodie pocket. "Better than my place." Shadow scoffs, going toward the couch. His hand slowly parting from Amy's. As he jumps over the furniture to sit down. Rouge sighs as she stands up, placing her hands onto her hips. She glances to Amy, as if she realized the hedgehog was standing there. "Hello you! Guess you and Shadow made up?" Amy awkwardly rubs her elbow, nodding. "That's good. Want a drink?" Rouge offers, walking around the couch. To now be standing in front of Amy. Who shakes her head, "N-no I'm fine." Amy felt rather anxious around Rouge. They haven't spoken in awhile and they only know each other's names. The female bat shrugs, suddenly grabbing Amy's arm. Pulling Amy to her side, "Well, you can company me while I get some red wine then. I'll be stealing your girl for a sec Shadow." She giggles, glancing at the hedgehog on her couch. Who looks back with a quick nod, knowing that Rouge just wants to have a girl chat with Amy.

Rouge drags Amy into her small kitchen, closing the door behind them. So Shadow won't try to listen in on them. She lets go of the pink hedgehog to lean against a counter, "Now, I want details. What was your date like?" The question takes Amy back a little. At first, she thought Rouge was going to do something sketchy; like steal her stuff once that kitchen door closed. "Oh well... It started off a bit weird, with Shadow acting like another guy when the cops were around us. But when we go to that restaurant, Minuet Meals, we became more relaxed together. Shadow was honestly sweet during the whole thing." Amy laughs. "Never thought I'd say about a criminal." She jokes, scratching the back of her neck. Rouge laughs in response, "I never thought I would say that about a cop." Rouge leans off of the counter, going over to the fridge. Opening it to take out a bottle of wine. "Anyway, after having some food we went to the park. Had a small talk then..." "Then what?" Rouge asks, on the edge of her seat. Pouring a glass of wine for herself. Waiting until the glass was full. "Then we kissed. And it was amazing~" Amy says, dreamily staring up. Imagining their 2nd kiss. She was truly falling for a criminal. "Good to know a date with Shadow didn't go horrible for once." Amy glances to Rouge, tilting her head to the left. "For once?" She didn't know he use to date other people. "Oh, Scourge got a woman to go on a date with Shadow. The date only lasted for like 5 minuets before Shadow left in a huff. It was honestly kinda weird, but that doesn't really matter."

"Are you 2 done yet?!" Shadow shouts, so the girls could hear him through the door. Rouge grins, from hearing his voice. Knowing by the tone of his voice, he's getting annoyed being alone. Rouge puts her bottle back into the fridge, taking the glass in her right hand. "We're coming!" She shouts back. "I guess Shadow doesn't like being alone." Amy says, following Rouge as she opens the door. Rouge hums whilst nodding in response. The 2 ladies walk to the couch; Rouge sits on Shadow's left, Amy sits on his right side. The TV was playing a dramatic reality show. It was about a love triangle, between two men and one girl. "What happened so far?" Rouge questions, before taking a small sip from her red wine. "The big tattooed hawk told the girl to pick already. How long has this stupid show gone on for?" "3 seasons." "What?!" The 2 hedgehogs said in unison. Making Rouge jump slightly. Almost spilling her drink on her carpet floor. "How can you have 3 season yet she doesn't choose a man to love?" Amy asks first, for Shadow to join in. "Is she playing with them or something?" Rouge shakes her head. "No just-" She pauses to groan before continuing. "Just watch the show from the start, so then you'll understand why it's taking her so long." Shadow just huffs, unsatisfied with his best friend's answer. Amy only just shrugs. They both turn their heads back to the TV.

During one of the episodes, Amy suddenly feels something slither around her waist. Her eyes look down, to see Shadow's hand was there. Her lips were pressed into a thin line. She turns her head to Shadow. noticing that his cheeks reddened as well. His eyes still glued to the TV. A smile slowly forms onto Amy's face. Amused by his action to be 'romantic'. She snuggles closer to Shadow, now being right beside him. Leaning her head onto his shoulder. Which makes Shadow have a small glance down. Both begin to stare into each other's eyes; enjoying the silence between them. Just being in each other's company made them...happy. It was a beautiful feeling. Especially for Shadow. He never thought he'd find someone to love. Someone to care for again. Shadow grins, giving a quick kiss to Amy's forehead. Earning a small giggle from the pink hedgehog. "Do you two need privacy or..?" Rouge teases, snatching their attention away from one another. She nudges Shadow's arm, poking fun at them. For Shadow to scoff back. Amy smiles, amused by how the two act. This was an oddly sweet moment for the three.

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