Chapter 15

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Shadow leaned against the brick wall; being in the middle of an dark alley way. An alley way which was a few minuets away from his client's casino. He was patiently waiting for the client to give him his money. Around 15 grand to be correct. It was payment for Shadow offering security to the casino. He had 50 of his men working at the casino, watching out for anyone cheating or causing trouble. Shadow stares at the bottom of the alley, seeing the obnoxious flashing lights from the casino. He waited for 5 minuets, until his client finally came. The white hedgehog turns the corner to jog into the alley. Holding a suitcase, full of the payment for Shadow. Not noticing Shadow because of the darkness. Shadow blended right in with the dark. The hedgehog turns his body 360 degrees, "Um Shadow?" The hedgehog in question huffs in annoyance. "Over here idiot!" Shadow half shout and whispers. The hedgehog turns to the direction of Shadow's voice. He nervously smiles, feeling stupid to not have noticed him. "Oh, there you are." Shadow takes two steps forward, coming out of the shadows. Raising an eye brow at him. "Got my money Silver?" The timid hedgehog nods. Handing the case to Shadow. He opens it to see there's the right amount of money. Checking if it wasn't fake money also. A client tried to trick Shadow once, only for them to now be 6 feet under.

Silver rubs his wrist, hesitant to ask a certain question to his former friend. "Erm...Shadow?" The hedgehog in question closes the case. "What?" Silver takes a deep breath in then out. Preparing for the result. "I-I have heard about Sonic's girlfriend. The cops have come over to casino and began to ask questions." Shadow doesn't react, just kept on his cold stare. "I need to know but... h-have you done anything to her?" Shadow rolls his eyes. Causing Silver to slightly regret asking this question. "Why do you ask?" Shadow was skeptical of this question. His client never asked such questions about his business. Silver nervously chuckles. Now Shadow was suspecting something. Shadow drops the case. Quickly, he grabs the chaos emerald from behind him to disappear. Then reappear in from of the hedgehog, scaring him. Shadow pushes Silver against the wall, making Silver groan from the impact. He grabs a knife from the back of his pants pocket. Pushing the blade against Silver's neck. Fear begins to build inside of Silver. Believing this would be the end of him. Being stabbed in an alley way by the famous Shadow The Hedgehog. Who was once his friend. But now, they were nothing but a client and server relationship. Their friendship faded away. "Are you wired?" Shadow growls, his free hand looming over the 3rd button of Silver's shirt. "N-no I 'm not. Jesus, I'm not a snitch!" Silver defends, trying to hide how scared he was. Shadow doubted his answer. He pulls the knife's blade down, ripping the shirt. It's buttons flying off of the fabric. Shadow views his bare chest; Silver wasn't wired.

Shadow has been more paranoid, he knows anyone would try to take him down. Even his so called 'friends'. He can't trust anyone. Shadow backs away, putting his knife away. "Just checking Silver." Silver's jaw drops, his favorite shirt is ruined. His cheeks heat from his exposed chest. "S-seriously Shadow?! All I did was ask a question." Silver tries to cover his chest with the ruined shirt. "Well you shouldn't ask such suspicious questions." Shadow turns his back to the hedgehog. Picking up the case in his left hand. Silver glares at him, "I just wanted to know. You never leave a hostage unharmed. Anyway, it's Sonic's girl so I thought-" Shadow's head quickly turns. Giving Silver an dead vexed stare. "You thought what?" He growls, earning a small yelp from Silver. "N-nothing! I'll stop asking shit!" He runs out of the alley. "See you later!" He waves as he leaves. Shadow tries to calm down; he knew what Silver thought. He thought Shadow would've hurt Amy...just because she was Sonic's girlfriend. Shadow found that to be tacky. Hurting a man's girlfriend because you hate him. What's the point in that? You're injuring an innocent party. Shadow shakes off the awful thought, waiting before he walks out of the alley.


Amy felt as if her wrist was going to fall off. She couldn't feel any circulation in it; it was numb. She could see some bruising around her wrist. Becoming purple by each moment. There must be something in here to help her escape. Amy throw her legs over the side, standing up. Beside the bed was a small counter with draws. She opens the first draw with her left hand; nothing but books inside. Then she searches through the second draw. There was a lighter, like this could help her. What she believes is a bag of cocaine and a photo? Curious about the photo, Amy picks it up. Turning it to see a young male hedgehog and a female human. That young hedgehog was Shadow? Amy couldn't admit it, but he did look cute. He seemed to be 6 or 7 years old in the photo. The girl beside him was around 12: she had blonde hair, baby blue eyes and a rugged blue dress. They both had some dirt on their cheeks and clothing. She was curious by how they got this picture taken. They both seem to be poor in the photo. The woman had her hands upon Shadow's shoulders. She had a beautiful smile; a smile that showed such innocence. Amy began to pout, staring at the photo. Her hand tightens around the paper, crumpling it in her fist. The hedgehog was angry, seeing a woman hold Shadow like that... wait. Why on earth is she angry? Amy shouldn't care about this! Why does she-

"What the fuck are you doing?!"  

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