Chapter 16

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"What the fuck are you doing?!"

Amy drops the photo as she turns to the direction of the angry voice. Viewing Shadow: his fists clenched by his sides and an scowl across his face. Amy gulps, "I-I was just-" She didn't have any time to react. He pushes her down onto the bed. Making her wrist pull against the cuffs, causing more pain. Amy sits up and moans from the pain upon her wrist. Shadow scrambles to the floor, quickly picking up the photo. Inspecting if anything happened to it. Lucky for Amy, nothing changed/damaged the photo. Shadow glares up at Amy, pushing her down. Lying her onto the covers. Fear builds inside her. "Don't ever touch THIS-" He pulls the photo in front of Amy's face. She blinks at the photo before staring back at Shadow. "-or so help me I'll cut off the hand which touched this!" Amy stayed silent, out of fear and shock. Before he was respectful to her, now he is threatening her. All because of a photo. His pupils become small, realizing what he had just said. Swiftly, Shadow backs away. Feeling ashamed with himself. He turns his back to her, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Shit I'm... I'm sorry." He grunts, staring down to the photo. Memories begin to flood his mind. Memories of when he had that small amount of innocence left in him. Amy opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Then she sits up leisurely. Seeing Shadow upset just, made her feel empathy for him. Even after all of this crap, she somehow feels sorry for him. Amy hates this feeling.

The pink hedgehog gulps before she manages to speak. "I didn't know." Shadow glances at her. "I didn't know that photo was special to you. I wouldn't have touched it if I knew." Amy forms a comforting smile. Hoping it will calm him down. Shadow sighs, turning his head back to the photo. "It's fine." He stands up. "You didn't know, it's fine. I don't blame you for snooping around honestly." Shadow opens the bottom draw and carefully places the photo back down. Amy takes a moment to look at her wrist. Vaguely twisting it to get her circulation moving. She groans as she does so. Catching Shadow's attention. He sighs, walking over to his counter. Opening the third draw down. Amy watches him take out a single silver key. She mentally notes where the key was, just in case. Shadow walks over to her, sitting on the bed beside her. "Look, I'll unlock the cuffs and let your wrist heal. But if you even try to escape, you're going back in the basement." Amy nods, relieved she can get out of the stupid cuffs. Shadow enters the key and turns it clockwise. They hear the click. Amy briskly pulls her wrist out of the cuffs grasp. Rubbing it with her other hand. Moving it around in a circular motion. "Thanks." Amy says, sending a quick smile to Shadow. Who hums in response. Putting the cuffs on the bedside counter, then the key in his pants pocket.

"So, can you tell me about the photo?" Amy questions, starting a conversation to end their awkward silence. She was curious about the female in the photo; was she a close friend? A family member maybe? A girlfriend? No. No way Shadow would date a human girl, especially at that age. That was an odd thought though Amy. Shadow freezes for a moment, deciding whether he should tell her or not. He never lets anyone know about his past involving Maria; not even Scourge. But he wants Amy to trust him. She'll need to know if he wants a relationship with her. "Ok, I'll tell you. Ever since my slut of a mother gave birth to me, that girl in the photo was always there for me. She was more of a mother to me than my own. Her name was Maria. She took me in when my mom left me at her doorstep." Amy gasps in surprise. She couldn't believe a mother could just leave their child at someone's doorstep. Shadow pauses due to her gasp but quickly continues, "Maria took care of me but when I was 4, we got kicked out of the house. I can't properly remember why, something with her dad or something... so we stayed on the streets. Stealing whatever we could, food and money you know. However, we stole money from the wrong type of people. They found out where we were living and began to bust in. Maria stayed behind so I could live; I regret leaving her there. She died for me..." Shadow bites his lip, holding in any wasteful tears. He can't show any weakness to her. Amy takes the time to take in all of that exposition.

Shadow gazes away from her, his hand forms a fist against the covers. Amy's eyes dart down to his hand. She gently places her right hand a top of his fist. Making him look back at her in surprise. She smiles at him, her eyes glisten as they stare at each other. As the silence lasted longer and longer, Shadow's cheeks begin to go red. He opens his fist, letting her hand rest in his palm. Slowly, he raises her wrist up to be beside his mouth. His crimson eyes stare down at the purple bruises around her wrist. Feeling at fault for this; he shouldn't have cuffed her wrist so tightly. Shadow opens his mouth, to suddenly give small kisses onto Amy's wrist. She becomes flustered in embarrassment and shock; his action was so sudden for her. "S-Shadow?" He stops and opens his eyes. "What me to stop?" Amy couldn't believe but... she didn't want him to stop. It was oddly nice for her. " it's fine." Shadow doubted her, until she began to stroke his cheek. Shadow's lips curve upwards from her soft touch. He gently traces small kisses upon her wrist. If only they can both stay like this forever. However, the sound of the bedroom opening makes them freeze.

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