Chapter 8

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Shadow watches the pink hedgehog on his TV; She was asleep. It was 6 in the morning, Shadow was the only one awake this early. He couldn't stop thinking about Amy. Just seeing her makes him think of- 

'Shadow run!'

'Maria! I'm not leaving you here!'

'Please Shadow, go! I want you to live and have a good life. Run to Olivine Park and meet a white hedgehog there. He will help you.'


'Run now!'

Shadow shakes the memory from his mind. He stands up, walking over to his desk. Picking up a tray of Amy's breakfast. He wasn't that good at cooking; so he did a simple eggs and toast with some Black Tea. Which was his favorite. Shadow already had his breakfast, but he would like to have some time with Amy. So drinking tea with her is his excuse. The hedgehog stomps out of his room, goes downstairs, then carefully opens the basement door. Trying his best to be quiet so Amy or anyone else would wake up. However, Amy's eyes open like two flashlight beams and moves her head up. Her heart pounding from the loud sound that woke her. Seeing Shadow closing the door, using his elbow to push it. He notices Amy staring at him, "Morning, I've got you breakfast." Amy groans, moving her neck side to side. Making some cracking noises. She was sleeping hunched over tied to a chair. So of course her neck and back would hurt. 

Shadow places the tray down, pulling the table slightly closer (so he wouldn't have to get up and down to get the food). Then he picks up a slice of toast, "What time is it?" She asks, pushing her back forwards to have a small stretch. Shadow walks in front of Amy and slightly bends his knees. Enough so that he was eye level with her. Then he lets her take a big bite out of the toast, "Around 6 AM." Shadow answers, before he continues to feed her; finishing off the two slices of toast, then the eggs (Which Shadow cut up) and now it's time to drink their tea. Shadow takes a sip from his tea first, "W...what kind is it?" Amy questions, glancing down at his cup. "Black Tea, it's my favorite." Amy quietly gasps in surprise. "You like Black Tea too?" Shadow blinks a couple of times. She likes the same tea as him? He gulps before saying, "Y-yeah." "It's my favorite as well." Amy awkwardly laughs. She couldn't believe she is bonding with a criminal about tea. Shadow places his cup down to grab Amy's cup. "Here." He says, offering her a sip. Which she accepts. A smile of satisfaction forms on Amy's face, feeling the liquid go down her throat.

Shadow gives a small smile, "Guess we have something in common." He jokes, avoiding her gaze. Embarrassed by the awkward tone in the room. Amy slowly nods, her smile fading away. Shadow lets her have another sip. Already drinking half of the cup. "So... how long have you faker been dating?" Shadow questions. Mostly to stop the weird silence between them. He wanted to know about her and Sonic anyway. Wondering how Sonic would deserve someone like her. Amy sends an angry glare at Shadow, "His name is Sonic. To answer your question; we've been dating for 2 months now." She has a long sip of her tea. Shadow places it down to drink his own tea. "Why do you want to know?" Amy raises an eyebrow. Shadow grins, finding her suspicion to be cute. "Just curious dear." She groans in annoyance; she hated that stupid nickname. "Something wrong?" He grins, slightly enjoying her anger. "Stop calling me dear! It's Amy Rose, not dear." Shadow drinks from his tea, acting as if her small outburst didn't bother him. "Amy Rose?-" He chuckles. "-Cute name, Rose." Her cheeks heaten from the compliment.

Shadow finishes his tea, putting it back onto the tray. Grabbing Amy's tea and stretching his arm outward to her. "Want anymore?" Amy quickly nods, opening her mouth. Shadow leans the cup to have tea go down her mouth. He moves the cup away for her to swallow. Shadow stands up and sighs, "I'll have to go now rose. Someone will be back in 3 hours." He turns and begins to leave the room. "Wait!" However he stops, twisting his head to side glance at the pink hedgehog. "Can I... at least have some form of entertainment? I hate being alone like this." Amy states. Shadow nods. "In 3 hours though." Then he leaves. Amy (hates to admit this) wants him to stay. At least she had someone to talk to. Her eyes dart to the table, noticing that he left the tray. That he moved the table closer to her... The knife wasn't too far from her. She smiles; God has given her a way to escape.

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