Chapter 12

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Scourge scrolls through his phone messages; all coming from his girlfriend. Going from kind messages to angry with incorrect spelling. He can tell she's drunk. It was 2 AM on a Thursday, she'd always get drunk in the early mornings. Which pissses Scourge off so much; She'd send messages on how she misses him to call me now in all captials. The hedgehog groans placing his phone onto the bar (The screen facing down). Before grabbing his bottle of whiskey, chugging it down. Hearing the music booming through the club's speakers. Everyone was dancing, drinking or just having fun with their friends. The bartender, George the dog, smirks down at Scourge. Leaning both hands against the bar counter, "How you doing Scourge?!" He shouts, so he could hear him due to the music. "I'm fine George! Just waiting for the boss!" Scourge shrugs. They were supposed to meet to talk about thier hostage. However Scourge wants to talk about something else. The bartender nods and looks over the hedgehog's shoulder. "Well speak of the devil!" He chuckles, nudgeing behind Scourge. Who turns in his stool to earn a hard cold stare, "Come on, we'll talk at home." Shadow commands before pushing through the crowd. Scourge swiftly grabs his phone and bottle, then runs after his boss. Leaving the Midnight Club to their secluded home.


Shadow opens the metal door, Scourge joins him and closes the door behind him. Shadow stomps over to the couch, plopping down. Scourge walks over, "Now what is the problem? Amy is secure in my room so there's no big deal." Shadow groans, this was a waste of time. He could be doing some work than talking about Amy. She's fine in his room; no one can hurt her there. If anyone tried to though, Shadow would take care of them. "It's not about the hostage." Scourge says boldly, crossing his arms. Shadow takes a small glance up at him, then glances back to the TV. Acting as if he wasn't fazed, "Oh. Well, what is it?" "It's about you crying yesterday." Shadow freezes. Scourge smirks in amusement; It's the first time he sees Shadow embarressed. "I don't know what you're on about." Shadow denies, it was dumb for him to cry. Over a hostage no less. The only person he ever cried for was Maria. Scourge scoffs, "I think you know Shadow. When pinkie was bleeding out you began to tear up. I wanna know why." He sits beside Shadow. Who quickly turns to avoid facing Scourge. "Come on dude! You've never cried for anyone. Can't you at least tell me why; it's been confusing the hell out of me since." Scourge wouldn't admit it, but he was worried for Shadow. Being this caring to a hostage could affect their chances of getting their 30 grand. That Shadow may become soft surely can destroy the business. Opponents could Shadow's weakness, Amy, against them.

There was a moment of silence, due to Shadow pondering on if he should tell Scourge how he was feeling. On the outside, it may seem they both hate each other (or have a strained relationship) but both do care for one another. Sure Scourge can get on Shadow's nerves but he still cares for him. He's like an anoyying little brother. With Scourge he may get irritated with Shadow being so demanding, but he does respect him for being so bold and honest at times. Shadow breaks the slience with a sigh in defeat. Turning to face Scourge, "Don't tell anyone this; if you do I'll break your legs." The green hedgehoog lets out a small snort, believing it to be a joke. Shadow puts on a straight face, "The reason why I cried was because... she reminds me of a very dear friend of mine. Who unfortunately passed when I was young, trying to save me. So seeing someone similar to my former friend, about to die in my arms. Just brings back memories." Shadow then goes silent, now hunching over. Staring at the ground, holding in his stupid tears. Scourge was taken back by that exposition. He has known Shadow for 4 years now but, he never thought Shadow actually cared for someone that much. Caring for someone that much that he cries. "Oh, well...damn that's alot to take in." He wasn't sure on how to react. Scourge wasn't good with this kind of stuff.

Shadow stands up still looking away from Scourge, "I'm going to give her some food." He says before walking into the open kitchen. Scourge rubs his forehead in distress, laying his head back onto the couch. Thinking more of Shadow's former friend; curious about them. Scourge and Shadow never talk much about their past, so hearing something like that surprised him. He always thought Shadow was alone for most of his life; no friends, no family, no money. Just nothing. But he had someone, unlike Scourge. He used to live on his own, Scourge had no one since the day he was born. The slam of the fridge door breaks Scourge out of his thoughts. He looks over to the open kitchen, Shadow was holding plate of sandwitches. Scourge smirks, "Hey can I have one?" He asks, stretching his hand outward to Shadow. Who scoffs at the green hedgehog, "Hell no." He says bluntly, before walking upstairs. Scourge lets out a small chuckle, finding Shadow to be amusing. He looks back to the TV, turning it on to watch some random show.

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