Chapter 13

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Shaow enters his bedroom, he walks in to hear the typical laugh soundtrack on his TV. He glances up from the sandwitches to the TV. To see it was the show Friends playing. He turns his head to the queen sized bed; Amy was still watching the TV, smiling. A smile that Shadow adores. He was surprised to see her still in the early morning. The hedgeog coughs to get her attention, Amy soon moves her attention to him. Her smile slowly fades, "I see you like Friends." Shadow comments, making his way to the side of the bed. Amy looks away, very nervous due to their last encounter. She just nods at him with a small hum. Shadow sits down in front of her, offering a ham sandwich. Which she quickly accepts using her free hand. Then takes a giant bite from her food, "I didn't know which you prefered so I made different types." Shadow explains, having short glances at the sandwiches: There was ham, cheese and tuna sandwiches (2 of each type) on the plate. Amy gazes back to Shadow, "Has Sonic called at all?" She needs to know; all day she had been kept in this bedroom. Doing nothing but watching TV. Her attempts to escape failed. Shadow scoffs at the blue hedgehogs name. As Amy takes another sandwich Shadow answers, "No he didn't. Do you have any family?" He suddenly asks, surprising Amy by the sudden question. Why does he want to know about her family? "W-well, I'm an only child. My father unfortunately died when I was 7 and my mother lives in another country." Amy says, pausing from time to time to eat her sandwich. Shadow just nods listening intently. He did want to know more about her after all.

"W-what about you?" She asks. Amy was both confused and awkward about this, she is having a normal conversation with her kidnapper. She was alone in this room for most of the day. All she had to entertain herself was the TV. Amy had no body to talk to. She needs to be social. Shadow sighs, "I did have parents; my mum was a whore and my dad was an asshole. She left when I was 3 months old, leaving me with that asshole." Amy silently gasps. Mostly surprised that he's telling her about his family...or could he be lying? Just so he can have her sympathize with this monster. "I stayed with him until I was 7. One night, he was in his drunken rage and tried to beat me again. So~ I grabbed his gun from the bedroom and fucking shot him." Amy's eyes widen; his first victim was his father? The pink hedgehog just stared at him, unsure of what to say. "Right after I shot him; I packed up what I could and left. So now I am like this." Shadow smirks, he doesn't regret killing his dad. He was a drunk idiot who did nothing but drink and drink. He yawns, "Well I am tired." He stands up and places the tray on a counter across from the bedside. The counter had a wall mirror above it. "I'm going to bed." He says in his normal tone. He was acting like he never told her about his first kill. Amy gazes at Shadow's relfection in the mirror; she sees him unbutton the first button on his black t-shirt. Then he unbuttons the second. She knows where this is going. Her cheeks heaten and turn her head to the side; closing her eyes in a flustered mess. "W-why are you d-doing that?!" Amy stutters, making Shadow pause from doing his thrid button. "Don't worry, I'm not getting naked or anything." That sentence calms Amy a little. "I'm just taking off the shirt; I ain't sleeping with full clothes on."

Shadow finishes unbuttoning his shirt, pulling it off his arms and throwing to a nearby corner. He turns back to Amy, she was still turned away. The black hedgehog chuckles at her shyness, placing his hands onto his waist. "Haven't you seen your Sonic with his shirt off?" "It's different with a criminal." Amy quickly snaps back. She hears footsteps moving around the bed. She slowly opens her eyes. To see Shadow with a grin on his lips. Amy jumps back a bit in surprise, moving ever so slightly to the edge of the bed. "Is it different because this criminal is more hotter than your boyfriend?" Shadow jokes, flattering his small ego. One thing Shadow was proud of from his crime life was his body. Being a well-known criminal/murder as himself; he needs to keep an apperance. An apperance to show you're not to be messed with. So he had a workout rountine to keep his athletic and slim body. "No it isn't! It's different because you're somebody I rarely know personally!" Amy pouts, she hates herself for blushing over this hedgehog. Damn her timidness! Shadow has a small laugh before grabbing the top of his plain red duvet. "Now move up." He says, pulling the duvet down. Amy moves herself off the cover to make it easier for Shadow. She gulps when Shadow begins to sit next to her, "Wait you're sleeping here?" Shadow nods. "Of course, it is my bed." He pulls the duvet over his and Amy's hips. "But, I'm not comfortable with you sleeping next to me." Amy objects, her free hand gripping the cover nervously. Shadow turns his back to her, pulling the duvet further up his body. Making the part of the duvet on Amy's side to push against her. "I won't touch you or anything. I had a rough day and I need sleep."

Amy abruptly felt anger rise inside her, he had a rough day? When she's the one imprisoned because of this stupid rivarly between her boyfriend and this murder?! That she almost could've killed herself from trying to escape! "You had a rough day? You had a rough day?!" She shouts. Shadow doesn't move, pretending to not be surprised by her sudden outburst. "I'm the one: who was kidnapped, tied to a chair, being used for blackmail on my boyfriend, I almost died trying to escape and now I'm stuck sleeping with you!!" Her voice was full of rage. Shadow didn't react, he just layed on his side. Letting her shout out all of her anger. But hearing her say all those things made him feel... bad for this. Seeing someone like her so distraught by this...just hurts him. With other victims he didn't care one bit for them. But with Amy... it breaks his small heart. Amy huffs, pushing her legs up. To lean her chin between her bent knees, "Fuck you." She mutters. Her head leans toward the bed board, she hits her head against it. Closing her eyes. Now she couldn't sleep. Shadow didn't reply. The two just stayed silent through the rest of the night.

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