Chapter 27

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Upon wakening from her slumber, Amy burrowed her face into what she believed to be the warmth of a pillow. The duvet on her body begins to drop slightly down her body. As a small groan leaves her sore throat; She was thirsty and was dying for a drink. Her eyes slowly flutter open, only to view a large amount of pure white fur. Amy's head quickly shoots up; Shadow was fast asleep beside her. His arm still around her waist. She blushes from being so close to him. Now she got a closer look at Shadow; he was rather cute asleep. It seems sleeping is the only time he ever looked peaceful. What a beautiful sight it was. Although Amy wanted to spend more time admiring Shadow's sleeping state, she needed a drink. The hedgehog attempts to wiggle out of his strong hold. Only for Shadow's arm to become more secure around her waist. Keeping her against him. Amy stares up at Shadow; he was still asleep. Snoring quietly. He was acting like a protective bear, holding Amy protectively so she wouldn't leave his side. Amy pouts, guessing she had no choice but to wake up Shadow. To escape his warm but possessive embrace. "Shadow, wake up." He didn't move, just continued to snore. She gently hits his chest, "Shadow!" His left eye slowly opens. Staring down at Amy. "What?" His voice manages to slip out. "Can you let me go?"

Shadow groans, at first was unsure by what she meant. Until he saw his arms holding the hedgehog so close to him. As if he was holding onto her for dear life. He shifts his arms away from her body. Turning his back to her in embarrassment. Amy smiles timidly, before throwing her legs to the side of the bed. Standing up with a long stretch. Before heading downstairs to get a glass of water. Upon swallowing the water in her glass, her eyes search for the clock. Finding it on the wall near the front door. It was almost 9 AM (8:49 AM). 'Might as well make breakfast for everyone' she thought. Amy places slices of bread into the toast, placing pieces of bacon onto a pan then preparing some eggs to crack later on. It took a while for Shadow to get out bed. Since he was thinking too much about him holding Amy. Was it too quick? He wasn't experienced with this type of thing. His mind toggled on Amy and the position they were in. It was pathetic. Pathetic to become flustered over something like this. Shadow was stuck in that position in his bed; as he mind was swirling into a giant storm of the pink hedgehog. Simultaneously, Scourge had awaken thanks to the smell of sizzling bacon. The green hedgehog lazily stomps downstairs, going into the kitchen.

Amy grins, happy to have someone finally join her for breakfast. "Hey Scourge." She greets, pausing from eating a piece of egg. Scrouge grunts, "Morning pinkie..." he takes the milk carton from the fridge. Chugging it down with no hesitation. Amy lets him off with that silly nickname, it's too early to whack on the head with her hammer over it. He finishes drinking the milk, before settling next to Amy. "Where's Shadow?" He asks, taking a bite out of the bacon on his plate. "Still upstairs." Amy answer, earning a nod from Scrouge. The two ate in silence... in awkward silence. They just enjoyed their food; Scourge hadn't taste something this good in a long time. Food he'd usually ate was either from takeaway or his girl's cooking. Which wasn't as amazing as Amy's. Just as they both finished their meals, Shadow quietly entered the kitchen. The two hedgehogs only noticed him once they heard him groan. He joins them last minuet for breakfast.

Scourge stands up, "'ight, I will get everything sorted out for tonight. I'll call ya if I need anything." He informs, before leaving the room. Amy raises an eyebrow at Shadow, who was eating on a piece of toast. "Tonight? What's going on tonight?" "A meeting with a client. Nothing special." He mumbles- due to the amount of food in his mouth. "Well, I wanna join this meeting." Shadow stops for a second, unsure if he should let his rose join. Mephiles has never been too violent with women; all he'd ever do was push or give them a slap (not a hard slap though). Then again, Shadow doesn't want to risk her getting hurt. "That's not a good idea." Amy pouts, thinking that he was being stubborn. "Come on Shadow. What is this meeting about anyway?" "Trading." The answer was quick and simple. Amy didn't like that answer. She sighs and stands up from her chair, "Look Shadow, I know you don't want me to join this trade meeting. However, I want to get use to your work. If I'm staying here, I need to now what and how your work is like." Amy explains. She didn't want to be kept in the dark. She can't avoid Shadow's criminal activity, especially now that she's living with him. Shadow gazes up at Amy, showing zero emotions. He understands her reasoning, but still has his doubts. "I..." He pauses to sigh in defeat. "You know how to use a gun?" "A little-" Amy takes out her hammer to show off. "-But I also have this remember!" She giggles, earning a bashful look from Shadow. "Good. We're going to The Slash Club around 1 AM; the meeting is in the VIP section so don't freak if you notice any other criminals. I'll get you a gun whilst I'm out." He explains, finishing off his bacon.

Amy nods understanding him completely. She gives a quick kiss on his forehead, before strolling out of the room. Heading into the living room to watch some TV. An excited grin was plastered on her face. she couldn't help it; Amy was thrilled about going to the club. The last time she went to one was in her teens. Blaze and herself managed to sneak in fake IDs. She would always have a blast going to the clubs. But her partying ended once she met Sonic. As soon as they started dating, Sonic openly disliked Amy going to clubs. He never really had a reason why; he just made her not go. It was a bit controlling. But now with Shadow... she could do almost anything.

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