Chapter 11

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Knuckles watches his friend pace up and down in the office. "I can't BELIEVE I haven't found him yet. Are you sure there's no more hideouts of his?" Sonic questions, placing his thumb under his chin. Knuckles nods, "Yeah Sonic; even Silver has no idea where he is." He lies. The Echidna hated to lie to his friends; but he has no choice. Being in dept is absolute hell for him. It's bad enough his girlfriend is getting worried for him, now she is suspecting he has a dept to pay. Knuckles is now working three jobs:his main being an policeman, part-time Gym instructor and part-time bartender. Sonic groans in frustration, "I can't do this shit anymore; I can't pay this asshole." Knuckles stops Sonic from his pacing. Grabbing Sonic's shoulders to face him. "Well how the hell will you get Amy back? She needs you Sonic. Please, calm yourself and see what else you can do to help her." Sonic stays silent, thinking for a moment. Taking a deep breathe in, to build his energy. Getting his self ready. "You're... you're right! I just need to chill out and get my head straight." He slowly breaths in and out. Knuckles rubs his back in support, "How much have you got?" "Around 15 grand, why?" Sonic asks, Knuckles gently removes his hand from Sonic. "I'll try and get you some more." Knuckles walks to the door of Sonic's office. "Thanks knuckles, never thought I'd say this but you're a great friend." He pauses because of his friend's statement. Guilt begins to build inside him. He just to burst into tears and tell him where Amy was. Knuckles gulps, trying his best to hide it. "No problem mate." He quickly leaves the office and the station.

Once he was outside, he pulls out his cigarettes and his lighter. Still walking down the street. Taking out one cig, placing it in his mouth before trying to light it. Knuckles makes a quick powerful motion with his thumb, for the lighter to produce no flame. He repeats his action; but one again no flame. "Shit." He mutters under his breathe. "Need a light red?~" An exotic voice questions. The Echidna recognizes the woman's voice and quickly turns his body. To the direction of the voice. Facing the bat, who was leaning against the red brick wall. Even though it was in a dark alley way, Knuckles manages to see that she was wearing a big hat. Along with larger clothes she doesn't usually wear. Knuckles runs to the alley, now seeing she held a 20's style cigarette holder in her dominate hand. "What the hell Rouge? You can't be this close to the station." Knuckles half whispers and shouts. The police station was just across from them; luckily there wasn't many officers outside. Only 2 were who were talking, not noticing the Echidna talking with a criminal. "Don't worry Knuckie, I've been closer than this and they haven't caught me yet." Rouge giggles, she was always fond of her boyfriend's worrying. Finding it to be very entertaining; she was more relaxed than the red Echidna. She'd always take risks whilst Knuckles sometimes wants to think out his plans.

Knuckles sighs in defeat, wrapping his strong arm around his girlfriends shoulders. They begin to make their way down the other end of the alley. Rouge takes a smoke of her cigarette, "Why are you here anyway?" Knuckles asks, as Rouge blows some smoke into the air. "To check on you silly! And~ I wanted to know if you were free tonight." Knuckles tilts his head, rather surprised by his girlfriends request. "Tonight? I thought you were working though." Rouge shakes her head with a small grin. The bat worked in one of her best friend's nightclub; The Slash Night Club. It was the most known of the 3 clubs her friend owns. Probably because that's the only club where there was male and female dancers. Who sometimes become escorts in the later nights. Rouge used to be an escort, however she soon met Knuckles. Now she just works as a dancer at the club. "Not tonight; Shadow wanted the place closed to readjust some new lights. So are you or not?" She asks as they turn the corner. Now in the more quieter part of the city. Nearing Rouge's classy apartment.

"Well-" Knuckles pauses for moment. Re-thinking if he had anything planned. "-Yeah I'm free. What do you have planned?" Rouge giggles, making them both stop. Then places her hands onto his chest, slightly playing with his police badge. "To have dinner at my place, and I think you know what's for desert~" She winks, her hands make their way around his neck. Pulling them against each other. Knuckles' cheeks begin to become as red as his fur, "I-I know. What time do you want me to come over?" "Around 9:30 hun." Rouge slightly pushes herself up, to kiss her boyfriend. Who was only 3 inches taller than her. He kisses back, loving the taste of Rouge's plump pink lips. Her kisses were so passionate and fierce; she was such a great kisser to him. Both slowly pull away, gazing each other's eyes. "For now, can you walk me home?" She giggles, removing her arms from his neck. Knuckles nods with a soft smile, "I can batty." He takes a hold of her hand. She smirks at the stupid nickname he gave her; as they both walk down the street. Hand in hand. 

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