Chapter 25- A place of connection

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Tark and Kara made it to the top stair of the Temple and the huge old wooden doors opened before them to reveal a long corridor. There were at least a hundred people standing on each side of the large room. They were all dressed beautifully but none of them let their eyes stray away from her.

She had a vague sense that the temple had tall ceilings and that there were bouquets of white flowers lining a path. But all she could focus on was the gorgeous man standing at the bottom of the steps. His grey eyes looked at her with the same intensity he has always regarded her with, they exercised that pull that attracted her to him from the core of her soul. She would have noticed how the audience bowed their heads as she passed, regarding her with reverence but none of that mattered at this moment, not when Marko was waiting for her with a smirk on his delectable lips.

For a moment she let her eyes take in his fine clothes. he looked hot to say the least, he had a white silk coat with gold designs much like the ones on the neck line of her dress he had gold necklaces laved wide on his shoulders and one crosses from his right shoulder and across his chest to come around the back and he held a sheeted sword on his hip. His midnight hair was brushed back and a prince’s crown made of iron and gold signified his position amongst the people here.

All of a sudden she felt really nervous, she was going to marry him, and she was going to be with him for the rest of her life. He is going to be her king at some point hopefully way far off in their lives, and she was going to be his queen. She had never aspired to a position of power, never even thought of it much even when she knew that she was meant to be with him. It’s just that when she was with him none of that really mattered and it still doesn’t.

With a final step Tark hand handed her to Marko.

“Your loyalty is to be revered Tark.” Marko told the Mountain Lord with a courteous nod and what she thought was amusement. Tark bowed his head and retreated to the side to stand beside Roan on the right side of the couple.

Marko took her hand and all her nerves seemed to dissipate. “You look beautiful” He said and she noticed how his eyes shifted to and from their magical pale blue. And she smiled loving how exited he looked, a perfect mirror of her own emotions.

They made their way halfway up the short flight of stairs and a priest papered out of nowhere, or perhaps she just hadn’t notice anyone other than her handsome mate.

The priest was a short man with a memorable tranquil aura to his presence. He seemed like a man who knew of all things and whose opinion and suggestion should always be taken into consideration.

I am not a religious woman. She told Marko through their mind link and he chuckled.

Don’t worry neither are we, not really, he will explain

“This is a place of connection. That is our religion, our blood connects us, our spirits connect us, our love connects us, and so does our strength” the “priest” said with a booming voice “Here we come to mend our connections with our wolves, to break ties with the past that hunts us. But in this day we are here gathered to unite and bind these two souls to each other in front of all who may to look.” He looked from Marko to Kara with a warm smile. “Look at each other and open your souls to let them speak.”

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