Chapter 3- The good prince

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Kara shut the door and pressed her forehead to it. She heard his footsteps fading away and a sudden pain consumed her, it was not physical, this was different, like her body was missing something. Or perhaps... someone.

"You should stay away from that beast," said the particularly hateful voice of Tronta.

Shocked Kara turned to face the woman who was sitting by the fire "What?"

"You do not want to be associated with the likes of his kind," the woman said nonchalantly.

Kara felt her anger rising. How dare this woman insult Marko like that? "He is not a bad man Tronta. He is not a beast."

"Just because the wolf hasn't shown his teeth doesn't mean he can't bite. He, like the rest of them, is dangerous."

"I know he is dangerous, I am not blind or naive. There is anger in him just as there is anger in the villagers here. But that is not enough reason to shun him, or the others," Kara said, her hands now shaking with agitation she moved to pace the room.

"He is a monster all of them, they take women, kill men -"

"They saved this town, he saved me!" Kara said not attempting to hide her anger. Tronta stared at her like she was crazy. "So please, stop insulting him, because you insult me too."

"I will not stand for this!" The woman said outraged. "My house will not be associated with a wolf lover, I will give you one week to leave."

Kara narrowed her eyes. "Don't worry two days will be enough." Marko would be gone by then and nothing would remain to keep her interest in this forsaken village. "Now if you don't mind, I'll put an end to this pointless conversation." With that she turned, walked to her room and shut the door so loud it should have come off its hinges.


It was the middle of the night and Marko could still hear her tossing and turning in her bed. It drove him mad thinking of her under such stress that she couldn't even sleep at night. Then again neither could he, the thought of her being in danger and not being able to protect her kept him wide-awake. He sat near the great barn in front of the small house Kara lived in.

He wanted to go inside take her in his arms and tell her that they would not only have two days, they would have an eternity to see each other. An eternity to explore each other's mind, body and soul. And oh how he wanted to explore her every curve, her every tickle spot and every tender muscle in need of the attention of his hands.

His rambling thoughts were shattered by the sound of soft footsteps. "It's not nice to sneak up on people Yenive," Marko said as his sister came around the corner of the barn.

"I thought I might find you around here. And I was not sneaking up on you. If I was you wouldn't have heard me at all," she said with a playful smile.

Marko swallowed, knowing that what she said was true. His sister was the best spy in the whole kingdom, capable of slitting a man's throat and escaping without being seen. She was like a ghost in the night. "You are terrifying baby sister."

"Ah you're not too bad yourself brother," she said coming to sit beside him offering him a cup. In it was a thick substance, it sloshed around the container staining the walls crimson red. The color seemed to stand out even in the dim darkness of the night. The smell of it was familiar, a mix of iron and cherries that had once appealed to him, but now it made him nauseous. The thought of drinking it made chills run up his arms and his stomach twist in protest. "Kendra told me that you haven't drank from her since we got here. She is worried... and frankly so am I. You need to feed brother."

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