Chapter 23- The Merge

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 So a lot of action in this chapter meaning that there is a lot of point of view-focus jumping. You'll get is as you read.



Marko fell to his knees looking at the empty space in front of him. He took her. My mate, my Kara.

 The roar of fury that erupted from him made everyone stop in their tracks.

“What happened?” Yenive said coming to his side.

“He took her.” He said looking at her with alarmed eyes. “Adril took her.” He said and got up.

“Adril?” King Weiger said from the door with a grim face.

“I’m going after them.” He said and began to take off his clothes and threw it on the floor as he headed for the exit door. He tried to communicate with her through their mind link but she didn’t respond.

Tark and roan appeared by his side. “Roan gather as many men as you can spread the word to be on the lookout for Adril. The meet us downstairs.” Marko ordered

No one tried to stop him or tried to tell him it could be a trap, that was be pointless. The look on his face told everyone that he intended to murder someone. No one dared get in his way.  They all raced down the castle, by then Marko had completed the transformation, it was perhaps the fastest change he had ever made. His anger was burning him, all he could think about was how he was going to rip that traitorous vampire apart. That and how he was never going to take his eyes from her ever again. Especially not after this.



Kara woke up, startled by the rocking of the floor and walls around her. She couldn’t see anything so she tried to feel her way round but her hands were tied win cuffs. The coolness of the metal startled her and an uncomfortable feeling settle in the pit of her stomach.

Iron. I am in an iron cage. She thought. She began to bang on the walls “let me out, Adril let me out!”

A little window opened and Adril’s eyes appeared “ah you’re awake.”

She looked at him, he had a pleased smile on his face like he has won a game. She narrowed her eyes at him and said. “Let me out of this cage or-“

“Or you’ll what? You cannot use magic when you are surrounded by iron.”

“I said let me go!” she said, her magic flared trying to strike at him, but the walls around her contained it. The walls and the cuffs on her wrists heated up and burned her skin. She screamed in pain as her skin sizzled. “This is impossible iron is not supposed burn me”

 She heard him laugh and her eyes watered at the thought that this man ever related to her mother. “Have you never cast magic at iron? It heats up and if you try using your power in such a small space, I fear you will burn yourself beyond recognition.”

 “Why are you doing this?” she asked a tear running down her cheeks as she held her injured hands to her chest.

“Because I need you.” He said.

“Why?” she demanded.

“I told you that recklessness runs in our family. That love makes us do unthinkable things. Tell me…Do you know where rogue vampires come from?” he waited for her response but she remained quiet. “Never mind your mother probably never told you anything.” He took a deep breath and continued. “In short, a long time ago there was a king, the first vampire king. He had a wife who he loved dearly. The time came when she was pregnant but as the due date approached she had complications and died.” Adril said as Kara took the moment to assess that she was currently on a cart being pulled by horses. She could hear the multiple stomps of their hooves hitting the ground.  “The king conjured all of his magic and bestowed it into his wife costing him his life.” He continued “The queen came back to life and by the end of the week gave birth to two healthy boys, only to die right after labor. It was as if all life had left her. The babies grew to adulthood but by the age of twenty the youngest brother became deranged, he quarreled with his brother on a daily basis. The young prince lost his way and in the end lost anything that made him humane. In the end he die, no one knows how, but when he woke he was a different man, a different creature. He ran off, and in his path he slaughtered men women and children, human, magical it didn’t matter. And what he didn’t kill he converted in to something like him. Rogues.”

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