Chapter 10- whispering minds

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Yenive’s words lingered in the cold air but the growl given by the wolves was all that Kara could concentrate on. Fear surged through her at the mistrust she saw in the eyes of the three growling wolves. She took a step back from the threat.

Marko seemed to sense her every reaction as he assessed her with his pale eyes. He turned his head to the wolves around him and gave them a harsh growl. The wolves immediately fell quiet making sure to lower their heads and tail.

"Let us not jump to conclusions," Said Kendra as she came to stand beside Kara.  "It could as well been an Elemental."

"No, my lady" said the Rez with his bored eyes. "The air smelled sweet, the trade mark of Fae magic, not salty like yours." the man said looking at Kendra.

Sweet? Kara thought perplexed. Dose my magic smell sweet? I have never thought it possible. She looked at the people around her, they all looked either mad, concerned or pensive. Marko simply looked at her. 

"They deliberately trespassed into neutral territory with malice intentions." Tark said with indignation.

"We do not know that for sure, it could have been an accident, it can happen to anyone." Yenive said trying to calm the waters. she sighed "But this will certainly set us back a day or so." She went to her horse and retrieved a scroll from her saddlebag. she opened the scroll and set it on a crate so everyone could see. "We are here" she said pointing at the South road where it met with the Rose village, their place of departure. "We were taking the three sisters road here" she dragged her finger down to an intersection were the road lead to the west. The trail jumped over the three rivers, were it later met the Yuan road, which traveled vertically parallel to the river of that same name. the Yuan road, if followed south would arrive to the Kingdom of Leiporia. "Now we must continue on this road south, in about a week we will have to go around the Glass caves Mountain. But doing so is no better than going through the caves because of the cliff."

"I hate heights." said Alua said from where she sat on Roan's lap.

"Yeah well you are certainly going to hate this cliff. although the sight is beautiful, you can see the three sisters drop in to the lake at the distance." Yenive continued.

"I think we should be more worried about having been cut off by the Fae. Accident or not, we have no choice but to head down this road... It could be a trap." Roan said proposed.

Yenive cocked her head towards Marko for a moment "Good idea" she said after a while. she turned toward the Rez and said "Go to the men at the tail, they should have stopped for food, by the way have some bread and such, and tell one of them to warn the rest of the camp. We will meet two hours passed the three sisters road, to make camp, tell them nothing of the fae magic. We need not get them agitated."

The man nodded before stealing a chilling glance at Kara. He took some bread, cheese and ham, got on his horse and set off north to the men at the tail.

Why did he give me that look? Kara thought as the scout rode away. Or is that how they have all been looking at me? She remembered how they had bowed their head at her she. she walked pass some of the soldiers. Others would simply stare at her, but she never paid mind to that because she knew better than to stare back a predator in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" Kendra asked beside her.

"I am fine" the small lie caused Marko to growl at her. she snapped her eyes to look straight at his. So much for not looking into a predators eyes. "I am merely confused about this anger towards the Fae. So do not growl at me."

"It is not important -" Kendra started to say but Kara cut her off.

"Please do not lie," she didn't know how she could tell Kendra was lying, she simply did " I can see it in all of your eyes," she looked around and then at Marko "What are you hiding?"

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