Chapter 4- Streams of truth

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Hello there You! 

This is a long chapter so hopefully you will enjoy that.

I also wanted to remind you to check out "Shadow's Edge" by @Linna1029 . She has been helping me by editing and giving me so helpful ideas.  

Shadow's Edge is about a 17 year old girl named Mara Collins who after a series of unexplainable accidents, in which fires are started and glass is shattered,  she is told she is a witch. She is then sent of to a institution for supernatural creatures in hopes to tame her growing abilities.

Well i'm done typing, Go on READ I dare you! 


Kara and Yenive walked through the village toward the camp. During their walk many villagers gave them strange looks, to which Yenive seemed it be oblivious to.

As they got closer to the camp the sound of an ax hitting wood grew louder and louder. Kara noticed that for some strange reason the air smelled like cedar wood. A tree that did not grow in the region. She mentioned it to Yenive but she said it only smelled like sweat. Yet the aroma stayed with Kara invading the rest of her senses. They reached the camp and walked to Yenive's tent in the center of the camp. It stood beside a bigger tent. Marko's tent?

Again the sound of the ax hitting wood caught her attention. Yenive entered the tent to get her things leaving Kara to find the source of the sound. The steady sound was coming from behind the tents. Kara stepped in between the tents looking around the camp. At the far end of the camp was a pile of stacked thick logs were being put up, beside another pile of what looked to be fire wood was being accumulated.

Near the pile stood a man, his bare back was to Kara but she knew who he was. She recognized that raven black hair that moved freely in the cold wind. She recognized his dominant posture, but most of all, his alluring scent. Yes, that cedar wood scent had to be him.

She watched as he turned towards her to grab a short log. Kara felt her face redden, as she shamelessly looked him over. His shoulders and chest were broad, strong and firm, as was the rest of his body. The muscles of his arms flexed as he picked up the log and placed it on a tree stump; he grabbed the ax, positioning his body to face her. He stood there for a second looking down at the log; his hair fell around his face like a curtain. She couldn't help but look down at his exposed stomach. He raised the ax over his head, every powerful muscle stretching in the movement. He brought it down with the precision of an archer.

Now that's impressive. She thought. I could probably wash a basket of clothes with those firm abdomi- what the hell is wrong with me? He is a man not a piece of meat.... She shrugged her shoulders. Who am I kidding? I would look at him forever if I could, it's his fault for exposing himself like that. What was he thinking not wearing a shirt in this cold weather? "Although if I could, I would make it illegal for you to ever wear a shirt"

At her last thought he looked up, his eyes locked on hers. Even with the distance between them she could feel the power of those grey eyes, the pull they had over her. "Oh my, did I say that out loud?"

"Yeah you kind of did!" Yenive said coming out of the tent with a bag full of food drawing materials. Yenive saw Kara's red face and sighed "It's okay, just remember to control your thoughts around me. I like you, and I can understand that my brother is attractive in the eyes of many women, but please don't forget that he can be a real pain in the ass. I would bet that he is even doing this on purpose."

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