Chapter 22- Turning around

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As soon as Kara and Marko entered the room all eyes fell on them. Most people looked curiously at them, others seemed cautious to even look and others simply couldn’t keep their eyes away. The couple was beautiful and everyone could see that.

The room was colorful and lively. Women had dresses of all fabrics and designs. Marko noticed how men’s eyes would linger on Kara and a pinch of jealousy would spark in him, but the knowledge that she was his mate would calm the possessive beast inside him.  Many witches, werewolves and mountain lords came to congratulate them. It seemed strange to Kara that her uncle was nowhere to be seen, but then again a king can be excused it he wants to be fashionably late.

When most of the guest had arrived the king announced the beginning of the ball. Kara took Marko’s hand and pulled him to the dance floor. They turned to the melodies of the violins and instruments with the ease of an experienced couple. It was not the same as dancing to the rain or the beat of their hearts, they were out in the open, being eyed by everyone in the room.

She looked around feeling a bit nervous. “Kara, look at me.” He said drawing her attention to his grey eyes. “It’s only us. We are in our room, dancing to the rain. Only us.”

She nodded with a smile, he could always make her feel better. He could always make the chaotic world around them disappear with just his eyes.

When the song finished King Weiger came to their side. “May I have the next dance?” he said looking from Marko to Kara. The king look serious but his eyes told Kara he was enjoying himself as much as they were.

Kara smiled and took his hand as Marko backed away to the edge of the dance floor.

“You make him happy.” King Weiger said looking down at her as they moved in tempo. “And I don’t think it’s just a mate thing. He is smiling now, focused on more than just his duty or his anger. Perhaps you’re not that bad after all”

I grinned at him and said “Are you saying you are alright with me and him.”

“Now, now, I only want what’s best for the future of my kingdom, if that just happens to be you being with my son and making him happy I won’t complain that much. But like I said, if your power starts going out of control-“

“You’ll kill me, I know. I don’t expect any less.” She said and a sad expression come to his eyes. “You know… you’re a good father Weiger and Marko does love you. He just… needs your support in his decisions every now and then.”

He smiled at her in recognition of her words. The King just smiled, a genuine smile and she had been the cause of it.

The song stopped and they walked back to where Marko was standing. “You have a great queen in the makings my son.”

“I know.” Marko said and bowed his head slightly at his father before the king walked away for another round of dancing with his wife.

Marko grabbed Kara’s hand and guided her to stand behind a pillar. The spot hid them from the crowd.

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