Chapter 21- Lightning

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It’s been a very, very long time but I’m back. I was having some mayor writer’s block, but I think I found the words I was looking for.  Thank you for hanging in there. Hope you like what’s coming!


Kara and Marko walked down to the hall of the castle and made their way to the resting room expecting king Weiger and Adril to be there, but found it empty.

“I know where he will be.” Marko said and guided the way to the new destination.

As they walked through a hall Kara could hear a familiar melody slipping from under a door. The key of the lucky piano were being stroke with such carefulness and adoration only to create a harmony that has lived in Kara’s mind ever since she could remember.

Marko looked at her and whispered “ready?”

She could only nod at him, her mind to consume by the memories the melody provoked. He opened the door and let her step through.

Kara’s eyes were immediately drawn to the man sitting at the piano at the back of the study room. The man was tall and slender yet the age in his eyes told her he was very powerful and experienced in life. As Marko closed the door behind him the melody stopped and the man looked up surprised. As he looked at Kara he slowly got up from the bank.

“It’s really you.” The man said almost in a whisper. He left the piano and came to Kara, his eyes never leaving her face. “You look just like her. Like my dear Marcile.” He came to stand in front of her and his dark green eyes softened when he took in the color of her eyes. “You have blue eyes, just like Roldemir.”

He looked at her for some time until Marko cleared his throat snapping the man from his observations. “Where are my manners, my name is Adril Vorgonzoa, but you dear may call me, Adril, A, our even uncle if you like.”

“Where were you all this time?”

“You are definitely her daughter, she would never waits time to ask something that was bothering her” he said with a small smile.

“I’m sorry I just- even though I knew this day was coming I am certainly not prepared. I what to know everything about you, about my mother and my father if you know anything. I just don’t know where to start.”  She said unconsciously leaning towards Marko.

He looked between them and chuckled “I guess you are more like your parents than I expected, I had heard rumors that a certain prince had found a mate.”

“About that” Marko started to say but Adril put up his hand to stop him.

“No need. I am not like my father Marko. I do not object to your union, the same way I didn’t object to my sister’s.” he looked at her for a moment and said. “I have searched for you for so long, always missing you by a few days’ time, but now we finally meet. Let us sit and talk about you, Kara” Adril said with glee and guided them to the sitting area.

“So Kara tell me about your life.” He said as they sat.

“Well, after my parents death I stayed in various villages, but in a year or three, sometimes even less, rogue vampires would appear and my magic would send me away at the last minute. It was like this that Marko and I met. My village was being attacked by these creatures.” She frowned realizing something. “Now that I think about it, my magic didn’t even try to send me away. It was like it knew.” She looked at Marko and surged her shoulders “or maybe it’s a malfunction, that’s been happening lately.”

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