Chapter 19- Forever

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“Think about It Marko. They went through all the trouble of finding me in my village, and now they are back for a second round?”

“I just don’t understand, why do they even want you? I get why the rogues want you, you are an immense source of power. But Northerners cannot use magic, they are simply humans. They only desire power… riches.”

“You think someone is paying them to kill me?”

“Or capture you. Either way I will not make it easier for them. Come let’s return.” Marko said taking her hand and pulling her along. She winced when he gripped her injured hand. He had been so concentrated on saving Tark and being alert to danger that he had not even noticed she was injured.

“It will heal. Besides I don’t think you should be giving any blood right now. You look hungrier than me.” She said with a small smile.

He frowned and bit his thumb to draw his blood. He placed it on her lips rubbing the crimson to them. “Sometimes when I see how powerful and amazing you are I forget that you are not as unbreakable as I. You have to drink at least a drop of my blood, I want that wound healed immediately.”

“Fine,” Kara said liking her lower lip to taste his blood, “but I am not a porcelain doll, and I know that there is a lot of things going on around us that seem intent on harming… me.” her hand healed and they made their way back to the castle “therefore I will ask that you don’t try to keep me away from those things.” He grumbled in protest and she pushed him against the wall of an alley near the gate to the gardens. “Marko I am not putting this up for discussion, these people, whoever they really are, want to get to me. They have already hurt Yenive, Tark and killed a man I didn’t even know. I want to find them as much as you.”

Marko looked at her blue eyes searching for any sigh that she was just joking, that all she wanted out of life was to be pampered and cared for. But of course she was very convinced of this. “If you want to be involved then I have conditions.”


“You haven’t even heard them.”

“Doesn’t  matter.”

He shook his head at her eagerness and said “First you must not leave the castle alone at night, or day. At least not till this is all over. Second you will learn to fight without your sword or magic. Third you will explain to me why you were so afraid while we watched the memory. Fourth, you will no longer jump out of windows.”

“It was a balcony.” She said with a pout and put her hands caressed his arms. Wow this guy was strong.

“You jumped all the same.”

She laughed at how serious he sounded. “I agree to your conditions, just tell me you won’t be leaving my side for a very long time.”

“I won’t leave” he said taking her up in his arm. He began to walk to the gardens, the gates immediately opening for him. “Now tell me why you were so afraid. You were more afraid then than when you saw Tark.”

“Before, I told you that if you had the dreams I had you would understand why I was so angry. Well that cloaked man that gave the northerner the parchment was in my dreams.” She paused looking up at the half moon. “He kills you over and over. And I can’t do anything to stop it, I try to run but never reach you in time. He always takes your heart.”

Marko stayed silent for some time until they were inside the castle, he set her down and continued walking. “Dreams are not always literal. You would see the “taking” of my heart as my death but for me loosing you would be enough. You not being able to reach me could mean that something is keeping you away from me.”

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