Chapter 5- The fury inside

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Then Yenive's dark red blood trailed down her hand. “Yenive!” Kara yelled, panic evident in her composure. She looked up to meet Kara’s frightened eyes. The pain in Yenive’s shoulder was intense, but she could feel her skin trying to heal around the still embedded arrow. That could only mean that it was not a silver arrow, if it had been she would be rolling in the ground screaming in pain until she passed out or died. This was nothing compared to that.

 A gasp erupted from Kara, as she saw the shine of another arrow cutting through the air towards them. Yenive fell forward grabbing the drawing book from Kara’s hands. Swiftly she held it in front of them catching the arrow before it hit Kara in the chest. She threw it aside just as the horses came running out of the forest behind them.

“We need to leave, now!” Yenive roared the order in a voice under-laid  with the voice of her wolf.

The dapple-grey horse whined at Kara to get on her feet, she did quickly helping Yenive on hers. Kara was helping Yenive onto her palomino horse when she felt another arrow coming her way, instinctively her hands raised in its direction. She let her magic flow around her, just as the water flowed down the stream towards the south. The arrow came fast but came to a halt just a few feet away from them. With the first came several others, all of which failed to hit their mark, Her.

Why the hell am I being targeted? She thought as her panic mixed with anger at the knowledge that someone was aiming to kill her. No these people were not aiming at me, if so they would not have hit Yenive. They have not the decency of making a clean kill. Instead they hurt my newfound friend. “No one hurts my friends!” She yelled and her magic released the arrows back in the direction they had come from, a man’s pained yell was heard coming from the other side of the stream. “If you are trying to kill me take a better shot!” she felt like her body was on fire, magic racing through her veins asking for another release.

“Kara!” she could hear Yenive’s voice calling her, but it seemed distant and unimportant compared to doing something to protect her.

She directed her hand towards the stream, focusing on the water. A wall of steam started to materialize around them, it was so thick that they couldn’t see two feet ahead of them in the direction of the stream. Kara felt a warm hand shake her by shoulder. Kara turned her head with a dazed look in her eyes.

“Kara, snap out of it we need to go. Now. I promised Marko I would protect you. So get on the damn horse now!”

The name rang out in Kara's head.

Kara shook her head regaining control over her power. She looked for Froy, who was standing impatiently beside the boulder she had earlier used as a step.  She swiftly got on him and without even taking hold of the rains the horse bolted into the shadow of the forest heading directly for the camp. Kara looked behind her to see Yenive was right on her tail. She saw a sword materialize in Yenive’s left hand as if it had been made by the wind.

Kara looked back in front of her hoping the campsite would be around the next tree or hill, but that was a false hope, they had at least a twenty-minute gallop to get there. She looked back at Yenive assessing the severity of her wound. It was bleeding heavily but the look in Yenive’s grey eyes told her that she had experienced worse pain.

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