Chapter 12- The Glass Mountain

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This chapter is short... I know, I know. I Not sorry. Its short but in my perspective it is AWESOME!

So yeah enjoy every single word I type.

thank you for reading, it means a lot.


Kara could tell she had left her window open because it was too light in the small room. But she didn't want to open her eyes; her bed was too warm and inviting to think about getting up. She had a pillow of sorts at her back that seemed to radiate the most comfortable degree of heat and all she wanted was to snuggle with it. She turned around grabbing at the warm pillow, but something was off. This pillow was hard and way too big. It was making soft sounds too.

Abruptly the surface beneath her shook violently rattling as things shifted position. Her eyes flew open but she cringed at the harsh light that hit her eyes. Her eyes adjusted to see an expertly shaped chest right in front of her. Groggily she turned her head looking up. Kara closed her eyes remembering she was in a wagon. She looked at the man in front of her.

Marko was sound asleep, looking peaceful and rested.

How can he sleep when it's light out and the wagon is moving? She thought for a moment, and then she realized what that implied. She sat up gasping looking down at Marko. He cringed and whined before opening his eyes to look up at her. "The camp is moving" she said with wide eyes. He sat up groaning, he was definitely not a morning person "we slept in" she continued pushing a stray hair behind her ear.

That's when she heard it, the muffled laughs. She hadn't even noticed the two pair of eyes looking at them. Kendra and Alua sat at each side of Roan in the front of the wagon looking back at them like they were the most entertaining thing ever.

"I see you guys have finally decided to join the living." Kendra said taking in their red faces. "I swear you two sleeps like rocks under a pond."

"Why did no one wake me up?" Marko asked yawning as he grabbed his shirt from the floor.

"I tried sir." Roan said looking over his shoulder. "You flashed me your pale eyes, grumbled something hateful and went right back to sleep."

"I do not remember that..." he raked a hand through his hair and looked over at Kara. Her face was red from embarrassment this was not the first time she slept with a man, but never had she been caught in the arms of one.

You do not need to be embarrassed by this Kara. Marko said in her mind.

Kara gave him a pointed look. You are not the one who has to worry about maintaining a reputable virtue.

He sighed and shook his head.

Kara's stomach growled which raised the question "What time is it?" from her lips.

"A quarter past noon" Yenive's voice called from outside the wagon. "We should be arriving at the Glass Mountain by sundown. It can already be seen from here." at that Kara move to the front of the wagon to look at the mountain.

In the distance she could see it, towering above everything in the landscape. The Glass Mountain looked nothing like what its name depicted. It was dark, like coal, with an edgy, sharp exterior that foretold the possibility of dangers that awaited in its womb. Good thing they intended to go around it.

"Are the scouts out?" Marko called as he passed an apple to Kara and took one for himself.

"Yes." His sister responded as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

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