Chapter 27- I should have just told you

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This. Is. The. Last. Chapter.
I hope you enjoy it!

For seven days they were relaxed, running around the island making love in random places, touching caressing, thinking about the new being growing in her belly.  Thinking of all the things they would need to teach and show it. They were going to be the best parents they could be. Their child would only be spoiled by love, they would teach it how to hunt, and make a fire, how to give and expect nothing in return, they would show it how to fight for others and how to appreciate what it was given. Yes they would be great parents.

It was getting dark and they had just finished their meal after a day in the salt water when a very pale Roan came running in with a small piece of paper. He handed it to Marko with shaking hands.

Marko went still as he read the note, his face twisting with anger and conviction. He got up from his chair and looked at Roan and Tark who stood by the entrance to the dining room. “Prepare the boat, now!” he ordered. The men squired off to the task.

“Marko what is going on?” Kara said putting a hand on his bicep as she stood by him.

“Adril lead a hoard of rogues to the kingdom’s door. The outer villages are in danger and father needs me by his side.” He said quickly. Then he move away to fetch his sword.
Roan appeared by the door and said “Tark says the ship will be ready when you get there… but sir the wind is against us even if you go now it will take us at least six hours to get there.”

“We don’t have that time!” Marko growl making them both flinch.

“I- I can get us there” she said remembering Yenive’s wedding gift. The men stared at her blankly before she simply shook her head and headed upstairs to their room. She dug around for the bracelet and put it on. Then she looked around the room letting out a sigh. Their bubble had been burst and now they had to leave their paradise behind.  But people were getting hurt, and that was all the motivation she needed to leave this place behind… for now.

Sweetheart, we need to go. Marko’s edgy voice called. She met him and Roan downstairs and they exited the house to go to Tark.

She could tell that Marko was upset and he kept giving her glances as if to asses her capability of using the stone to get them there. She took his hand in reassurance and because she was feeling nervous about the ordeal. She could tell he was trying to keep calm, but the wolf had been rallied and he was angry at the thought of someone attacking his home and people. She found it pissed her off too.

“Tark stop everything, Kara is getting us there.” Marko called out as they neared the docks. Tark’s tall frame jumped out of the boat and came to their side his eyes looked wild and she knew that his wolf was also restless. No doubt if she had one it would be too.

“Hmm, okay stand close to me” Kara said and the men took their positions around her. She found it curious that they were all facing away from her as if they were ready to attack. Marko’s back was to her front so she leaned her head on him taking a deep breath and a hold of his hands. “Wherever we go has to be somewhere open.”

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