Chapter 21: A Snake Appears Before The Wolf

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(Bit of a shorter chapter this time. Sorry)

Fluff and Kaitto were looking at their master doing a magic excerise. Kaitto was used to this so he thought nothing of it, but Fluff was confused because it just looked like Dante was sitting with his eyes closed and his hands on his chest.

Fluff: "What is he doing?"

Kaitto: "A magic excerise. I know it looks weird but it is helping him."

Fluff: "What does it do?"

Kaitto: "It increases his maximum mana reserves. He sends his mana through his arms and out his hands into his chest to overload his max capacity. Because his body is constantly trying to stabilize itself it will naturally increase his reserves to be able to contain it."

Fluff: "That's amazing."

Kaitto: "Well there is a minor downside. If he does it for too long then he will get major heartburn. But this is something he will need to do if he plans to use your powers more effectively."

Fluff: "The downside doesn't sound too bad. Heartburn may be unpleasant but it's still manageable."

Kaitto: "Oh, no I didn't mean it like that. When I say heartburn I mean that it feels like his heart is actually on fire."

Fluff: "Oh. Nevermind then."

Dante stopped his excerise and takes a look at his phone seeing a text from Nino.

Nino: Where are you man? Everyone else is here already.

Dante: I was a bit busy, but I am on my way now.

Dante: "Come on you two. We need to get going."

Dante heads out with his two kwamis to his friends. Meanwhile those who were already at Juleka's house boat were setting up for the music festival that was today.

Marinette: "Oops! Sorry Mylène. My bad!" (picks up a box) "I think this is yours, Rose." (hands a microphone to Rose)

Rose: "Thanks, Marinette! Do you realize? It's our very first concert! It's going to be awesome."

Marinette: (to Alya) "He's not here yet."

Alya: "No worries girl. The gig hasn't started yet."

Marinette: "What if he doesn't know Juleka's address? Or he got the wrong day? Or he's lost? Could you check with Nino please? You know, of course, just... casually."

Alya: "Why can't you text him? You got his number."

Marinette: "I forgot my phone at home. Please."

Alya: "Hey, Nino, did you hear from Dante, by any chance?"

Nino: "Ya, I just texted him. He's on his way already." (Marinette and Alya giggle)

Anarka: "Captain Anarka speaking to ya'! So how's it comin' along me young pirates? Ready to celebrate the-" (adjusts her glasses) "Whatcha up to, there, matey?"

Marinette: "Uh, hello ma'am. I'm cleaning up for tonight! Your boat's gonna be clean as a whistle!"

Anarka: "You're cleaning" (laughs). "We never pick up in this house! Didn't me daughter tell you? We like the lived-in look. We have no rules on The Liberty! Out of chaos comes creation! Messiness is life."

After a bit everyone was ready for their performance and Marinette started to get worried because Dante has yet to show up.

Rose: "We're ready Captain! Uh... but Luka's missing."

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