Chapter 11: Some Things Are Better Left Unseen

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It was night a couple days after troublemaker. Right now it was a few minutes after Midnight and Cat Noir was just about to finish up his patrol with the streets being essentially dead.

Cat Noir: 'Looks like there's nothing going on tonight. Time to head home before it gets too late.'

Just as Cat Noir was going to head home he spots Dante just walking down the streets with no care in the world. In fact Dante looked excited which was a rare occurrence for anyone that knew him.

Cat Noir: 'What's he doing out right now? And why does he look so excited? A secret lover maybe? No, that's not it. Maybe I should follow him and see what he's up too.'

Cat Noir started to follow Dante for a good 15 minutes with Dante stopping dead in front of an abandoned cloth factory in the ghetto part of the city. Dante looked all around him to make sure he wasn't followed. Cat Noir was able to hide from sight just in time so as not to be caught. Dante smiled and opened the front door walked inside and closed the door behind him. Cat Noir's instincts were screaming at him to just go home and forget about following Dante any further than this but he ignored it.

Cat Noir: "What in the world is he there for?"

(Meanwhile inside the factory)

Dante walked in like he owned the place and saw all the henchmen doing busy work. Dante did a large throat clearing gaining all their attention.

Random thug: "Your in the wrong place kid. Leave before you regret it."

Dante: "Actually I think I'm in the right place. I came for John Hawks, have you seen him?"

Random thug: "The boss is too busy right now in the room over there for you. Now leave before you get hurt."

Dante pointed at the door that was off in the corner.

Dante: "That door over ther?"

Random thug: "Yea, that door."

Dante: "Cool, thanks."

Dante started walking to the door but stopped when all 50 of them pulled out their guns aimed at Dante.

Random thug: "I warned you kid. This is the end of the line for you."

Dante gained a crooked smile and did a bring it on gesture. On the outside of the factory Cat Noir was trying to listen in on what was happening only to hear sudden noises of gunfire and screams of pain from what sounded to be older men. However the noise stopped almost as soon as it started promting Cat Noir to kick down the down of the entrance. When he got inside he saw dozens of bodies cut apart with limbs scattered around and blood splattered everywhere. The scene before him made Cat Noir promptly puke the contents of his stomach and began to tremble in fear.

Cat Noir still didn't see the body of Dante anywhere and despite everything telling him to leave he was determined to save Dante from whoever did this. Cat Noir saw a blood trail that led to a room in the corner of the factory. Cat Noir slowly made his way to the door and saw a crack open in the door and peeked through it.

What Cat Noir saw made him shudder. It was Dante soaked in blood from head to toe, but still unharmed taking a picture of a decapitated head of what seemed to be the boss.

Cat Noir: 'I can't believe it. Dante behind all of this. How could he do such a thing?'

Cat Noir then remembered what plagg said on the night of the storm.


Plagg: "If Dante is as this describes them your screwed Adrien. Greeks are already incredibly powerful and being a deity's champion on top of that will be even worse."

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