Chapter 10: Managed Mischief

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Dante and Kaitto are sitting on the couch in their apartment waiting for a show called "Fill my shoes". Kaitto obviously did not want to watch it and was throwing a bit of fit.

Kaitto: "Why do we have to watch this Shit?"

Dante: "Because it's shooting at Marinette's bakery and she asked everyone to watch the live broadcast."

Kaitto: "So we have to watch this because your girlfriend asked you too, great."

Dante: "She's not my girlfriend Kaitto."

Kaitto: "Yet"

Dante: "If you don't stop then I will cancel the tv channels with your drama shows on them."

Kaitto: *gasps* "You're a monster!"

Dante: "Don't test me Kaitto."

Kaitto grumbled as the two sat and waited for the program to begin.

(At the bakery)

Alec: (seen in the program) "Welcome to Fill my Shoes! You're joining us live in a new episode, and our guest today is the one and only Jagged Stone!"

Jagged: (sings while playing air guitar) "♫ Rock and Roll, yeah! ♫"

Alec: "Filling the shoes of...a baker!"

Jagged: "Yo, Rockers!"

Alec: "And a big thanks to Tom Dupain for having us here in his bakery, the best in Paris, I might add."

Tom: "Uhh...hello."

Bob, Penny and the camera crew are off to the side. Sabine approaches them holding a tray of croissants.

Sabine: "Excuse me, would you like some hot croissants?"

Bob takes a croissant as he, the camera crew and Penny walk away. Marinette walks up next to Sabine, who looks worried and turns to her daughter.

Sabine: "I'm not sure it was such a good idea to let them film the show here, sweetie."

Marinette: "Of course it was, Mom. Jagged asked specifically to come here! You realize how good this is gonna be for the bakery? And Dad's gonna become an instant celebrity!"

Sabine: "Well, for a celebrity, he looks pretty nervous."

Jagged chops a slab of dough with his hands. Tikki watches the broadcast from Marinette's room while eating a macaron.

Tom: "No, no! You have the right energy, Jagged. (seen in the program) You just need to be gentle. (nervously waves at the camera) Haha, hi! (turns to Jagged) More like this."

Meanwhile, Penny is trying to keep Fang on a leash while she watches the shoot. She fiddles with her pen.

Penny: "Calm down, Fang."

Marinette notices how nervous Penny is, and leans in.

Marinette: "Are you okay, Miss Penny?"

Penny: "Yes, yes, it's just, this show was my idea, and Jagged's putting all his trust in me and I just hope everything goes well today."

Alec: "So Jagged, how does it feel to fill the baker's shoes today?"

Jagged: "It's awesome! Check out this edible guitar I made from scratch. This is so rock 'n' roll!"

Jagged Stone mimes playing his bread-guitar while singing to the tune of "Smoke on the Water". Penny chuckles at his actions.

Jagged: "♫ Flour, eggs and butter! ♫"

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