Chapter 13: Marinette's Birthday Disaster

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It was a peaceful day in Paris. No akuma's or trouble in Paris, only what seemed to be the perfect day. At this time Dante exited a store with a small gift wrapped box that he put into his inside jacket pocket for later. When Dante was out of public view Kaitto flew out into the open and gave a questioning look at Dante.

Kaitto: "Marinette really has you wrapped around her fingers, doesn't she?"

Dante: "What are you talking about Kaitto?"

Kaitto: "In all the years that I have known you, you have never once gotten anyone a gift. And the one you just got for her was pretty expensive at that."

Dante: "Its not a big deal Kaitto, it's her birthday and I just got her something that I think she would like."

Kaitto: "Oh Dante, you are falling for her so hard and you don't even realize it."

Dante: "I'm not falling for Marinette. Sure I like to spend time with her and sure I find her attractive but it doesn't mean I'm in love with her. My life isn't one of your drama shows."

Kaitto: "You're right. It's much more entertaining."

Dante tried to swat Kaitto away only for Kaitto to easily dodge because Dante wasn't really trying to hurt him. After the two settled down Dante got a call from Alya and picked up.

Dante: "Hey Alya, what's up?"

Alya: "Where are you? We could really use some help setting up."

Dante: "I just finished getting Marinette's present."

Alya: "Ooh, what did you get her?"

Dante: "You'll know soon enough."

Alya: "You are such a tease."

Dante: "Damn right I am. And don't worry I'm on way way. See you in 10 minutes."

Alya: "See ya."

Dante hung up and put his phone back into his pocket and Kaitto hides out of sight. Dante then goes to help his classmates set up.

(Meanwhile with Marinette)

Tikki: "Marinette, this is quite a special day for you!"

Marinette: "Yes, Tikki! It sure is. Hm, still no call..."

Marinette takes her phone and walk onto her balcony as Tikki follows her.

Tikki: "There's a ritual we kwamis perform on a day like this."

Marinette: (distracted) "Oh really? That's nice."

Tikki: (gives a smirk like smile) "But I don't know if you humans would like it. I wonder if you guys even give each other presents on your birthday."

Marinette: (She looks surprised) "Oh really, Tikki? You got me a birthday present?"

Tikki: "A kwami specialty."

Marinette: "Oh, that so awesome! What is it?"

Tikki does a small dance in the air while humming, then spits something into Marinette's hands

Tikki: "Miraculous birthday, Marinette!"

Marinette looks shocked and slightly disgusted.

Tikki: (crestfallen) "Oh no, you don't like it, do you?"

Marinette: "Yes! Yes, I love it! It's amazing. It's a, uhhh, what is it?"

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