Chapter 17: The Wannabe Hero

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Students are leaving to go home from school and a couple pairs of friends are having some disappointing conversations.

Marinette: (to Alya) "Sleepover at your place tonight? That'd be awesome!"

Mr. Damocles: "Come on! Hurry up! I don't have all day!"

Marinette: "Except ugh, I can't. I-I have to help my parents at the bakery."

Alya: "Again? But you've been helping them out all week."

Adrien: (to Nino) "Online gaming battle? I'm free."

Nino: "Cool! Wait 'till you check out my advance weaponry! You won't stand a chance!"

Mr. Damocles: (claps his hands to Nino and Adrien) "Come on! Chop-chop! Hurry along now!" (Adrien facepalms)

Adrien: "I forgot I got Chinese class."

Nino: "Again? But we haven't played all week."

Adrien: "I'm sorry, Nino."

Mr. Damocles chuckles before he closes the school doors. Adrien sadly looks back behind him while he walks away with Nino. Inside the school, Mr. Damocles sneaks into his office and closes his door. Meanwhile the four friends notice a familiar face walk near them.

Nino: "Hey Dante!"

Dante: "What's up Nino?"

Nino: "You free tonight? I'm itching for an online gaming battle."

Dante: "Sorry Nino, I have other plans tonight."

Nino: "What plans?"

Dante: (pulls out his phone) "I'm meeting up with a very attractive masseuse later and I might end up lucky with her tonight."

Marinette heard this and stopped in her tracks before marching straight up to Dante as Nino, Alya, and Adrien watch her. Marinette snatched Dante's phone out of his hand and sent a jealous glare to him.

Marinette: "You most certainly are not!"

Dante: "Come on Mari, Have a heart."

Alya walks up to the rest of the group as Adrien lagged behind but still close enough to hear the conversation.

Alya: "Looks like Marinette has you wrapped around her fingers."

Dante: "Very much so. And as of lately she has become more possessive of me around other women."

Marinette: "I will not have those hussies sink their claws into you. You are way to easily tempted by those who want to sleep with you."

Dante: "I am a human being with human needs. I will not apologize for that."

Marinette growls a little bit before doing a phone check for any suspicious activity.

Alya: "She knows your password?"

Dante: "Yep."

Alya: "Normally I would side with Marinette, but are you sure you're ok with this?"

Dante: "You know what Alya? It doesn't even bother me. Mari is someone I both respect and care for. I owe her more than what I could possibly give her in return. If doing things like this puts her at ease then I welcome it completely."

Alya and Nino were schocked that Dante would be this way with anyone. Marinette on the other hand blushed up a storm and handed Dante back his phone.

Dante: "Mari, since it makes you so uncomfortable I'll cancel." (Hugs Marinette and whispers in her ear) "I'll see you later my cuddle bug."

Dante then proceeds to kiss her forehead and gives her a smile before walking away. Marinette is of course stunned and making inaudible mumblings. Alya sent the two boys on their way to talk to Marinette alone. After a little bit Marinette came back to her senses and sees Alya smirking at her.

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