Chapter 34: A Different Path

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It was an abnormally normal day. It was so normal that it was extremely boring to Dante who was on the couch watching the news on TV.

Dante: "I'm so bored."

Kaitto: "You could have gone to that movie premiere. It's your own fault for not having anything to do."

Dante glares at Kaitto then goes back to watching the news. Soon after they both hear a bunch of books falling from the library prompting Dante to get up and walking to the room with Kaitto. As the two got there they see a pile of books on the ground without any sign of Fluff.

Dante: "Don't hide Fluff. I know your the one who did this."

Fluff reveals herself ashamed for making a mess.

Fluff: "Sorry, I was going to clean it up, but then I heard you coming and got scared that you would scold me."

Dante: "It's fine. I know you didn't mean to do it."

Dante uses magic to make all the books fly to their proper places on the bookshelf next to him except for the last one that he is now holding in his hands. The kwamis became curious about the book in his hands and flew over to check out what it was. Kaitto was able to recognize it instantly, but Fluff wasn't. The book didn't have any kind of writing on its cover and was considerably thick.

Fluff: "What is this?"

Dante: "It's a family scrapbook I've been making over the years. It is the most precious book in this Library."

Kaitto: "So he says even though he isn't halfway finished with it yet."

Dante: "It's not supposed to be. The point is to add more to the book the more your family expands."

Fluff: "May I look at it?"

Dante: "Sure." (Puts the book on a table) "Just be really careful with it. I'm going get us breakfast burritos so behave while I'm gone."

With that said Dante promptly left leaving the kwamis alone. Fluff quickly opened the book and looks over the contents. There were tons of pictures and small items of Dante's parents and his adopted family with him in them of course. To say that Fluff was invested would be an understatement.

Kaitto: "Your really into that book."

Fluff: "How could I not be? I never met Dante's family so this is the next best thing." (Looks at Kaitto) "Do you know what his parents were like?"

Kaitto: "Of course I do. His father was my weilder for a short while."

Fluff: "Were they every bit as great as I heard?"

Kaitto: "For the most part. Dante over exaggerates his father's strength."

Fluff: "Really?"

Kaitto: "Whenever Dante mentions how strong his father was, he means his father's prime before his fight with the dragon. By the time I was found by him he was already less than half of what he used to be from the damage he took from the dragon."

Fluff: "Was it that much of a difference?"

Kaitto: "If he didn't face that dragon I have no doubt that he could have been the Blade Saint."

Fluff: "No wonder Dante holds him in such high regard. Does he miss them?"

Kaitto: "Of course he does. He even once told me that he wish they ran away with him instead of staying back to fight saying that it might be a shameful thing for them to do, but at least they would be alive."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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