Chapter 27: Nightmares Be Gone

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Marinette: (Stops reading her book of magic spells Dante left for her and notices Tikki) "You're so flighty tonight, Tikki. Whatcha got your mind on?"

Tikki: "The kwami Nooroo's transmission is…"

Marinette: "Hawk Moth's kwami?"

Tikki: "Yes. He's celebrating his thirty-five hundredth cycle today… all by himself."

Marinette: "We will free him from Hawk Moth one of these days, I promise."

Tikki: "There may just be a faster solution."

Marinette: "Huh?"

Tikki: "Kwamis are able to communicate with their kind on their cycle, or birthday. But we won't get another opportunity for a long time. See? A kwami's cycle lasts several hundreds of human years."

Marinette: "Wow! That's amazing! Then… you could find out where he is. But… how would you do that?"

Tikki: "The kwamis must gather in the Miracle Box at a specific time."

Marinette: "When would that be?"

Tikki: "Tonight."

Marinette: "Tonight?! Why didn't you tell me about this sooner, Tikki?!"

Tikki: "Because Master Fu doesn't want us kwamis to leave our owner's sides. He says we have to be able to take action immediately if someone becomes akumatized."

Marinette: "Hmm… he's right. But surely it's no big deal, I mean… if all the other kwamis are able to meet up, then it's still gonna happen, right?"

Tikki: "Well, I'm afraid it might not work if I don't go. Especially since Fluff is now part of Azazel's collection. The more kwamis that are present, the better chance we have of succeeding!"

Marinette: "But, if Master Fu doesn't approve…"

Tikki: "Wayzz, Plagg and I have an idea; well, it was mainly Plagg's idea. Plagg and I would go and gather with other kwamis inside the Miracle Box. Wayzz would stand guard and he'd let us know right away if anyone becomes akumatized. What do you think?"

Marinette: "That's a great idea! There is no risk if Wayzz is keeping a look out."

Tikki: "Even if we don't tell Master Fu the whole truth?"

Marinette: "If it means we're able to save Nooroo and defeat Hawk Moth, Master Fu won't be able to hold it against you."

Tikki: "So you're okay with it? You'll let me go?"

Marinette: "Yes, I trust you Tikki."

Tikki: "Oh, thank you, Marinette! You don't have to worry, I won't let you down." (picks up a marker) "Sweet dreams!" (Tikki leaves and Marinette switches off the lamp and goes to sleep)

At Dante's home Fluff is floating in the living room staring out the window to the sleeping city. She wants to help her friends find Nooroo but isn't sure if Dante will let her.

???: "Something on your mind Fluff?"

Fluff turns her head to see Dante standing there. His smile calmed her heart making it easier to open up to him.

Fluff: "Actually yes. Can hear me out first before getting mad at me?"

Dante: "Fluff you don't have to worry about me getting mad for speaking your mind."

Fluff explains the situation to Dante and although he wasn't thrilled at the thought of his kwami going out by herself, he knew this was important to her.

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