Chapter 5: First Impressions

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(Sunday Morning)

Alya was on her way to see Marinette just to hang out with her best friend. When she got to the bakery Marinette's parents let her in and told her that Marinette was in her room. Alya went up to see Marinette and heard piano music coming from her room. This was strange because Marinette is a huge fan of Rock and Roll like Jagged Stone. Alya knocked of the trap door wanting to have some of her new found questions answered. The piano music turned off and Alya heard a come in. When Alya opened the trap door and entered the room she was schocked beyond all belief. Every trace of Adrien from Marinette's room was gone and Marinette didn't even bother to look at her as she was what appeared to be her sewing a black beanie hat with white musical notes on it. 

Alya: "Hey Marinette"

Marinette turned around in her rolling chair she was sitting on and smiled at her friend. Alya saw that she was wearing a hoodie that was new and that it was too big for her.

 Alya saw that she was wearing a hoodie that was new and that it was too big for her

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(This is the hoodie that Marinette got from Dante and is now wearing)

Marinette: "Hey Alya, what's up?"

Alya: "I came out to hang with my best friend and thought I would surprise her. I also came to tell you that Adrien is doing a photo shoot in the park right now."

Alya held out her phone so Marinette could see the picture of Adrien posing while Marinette had an uninterested look on her face. Marinette turned her chair around and continued working on the beanie.

Marinette: "That's nice"

Alya: "You don't care?"

Marinette: "Not really. I'm over Adrien"

Alya's jaw dropped to the floor, this was not what she was expecting to hear. She turned the chair around and looked Marinette straight in the eyes.

Alya: "Who are you and what have you done with Marinette?"

Marinette: "Alya its not a big deal. I told you on Wednesday that I was already having my doubts about him and that walk you recommended made me meet someone who gave me good advice and I've moved on."

Alya looked around a little putting pieces together. No traces of Adrien, an unfamiliar hoodie, and a faraway look in her eyes when she said that she met someone on her walk. Alya had to confirm her suspicions.

Alya: "You got a new crush didn't you?"

Marinette blushed and looked away at everything but Alya's eyes.

Alya: "Wait, seriously?"

Marinette: "So what? I like him, he gets me."

Alya: "If you like him so much then why aren't your walls filled with pictures of him?"

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