Chapter 31: First Date

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(Sorry for not updating in a while. I was taking a break from writing, but now I'm back so let's get into it. And as a celebration of Kinktober I made this chapter a little extra spicy)

Today was the day. The first official date between Marinette and Dante. Both of them were certainly nervous. For now focus will be shifted to our main character. Dante was nearly ready and was running around forgetting the smallest things much to the annoyance of Kaitto.

Dante: "What am I forgetting? Fluff checklist me."

Fluff: "Keys, wallet, and phone?"

Dante: "Check"

Fluff: "Deodorant and Cologne?"

Dante: "Check"

Fluff: "Breath mints?"

Dante: "Check"

Fluff: "Socks?"

Dante: (looks to see if they are there only to be disappointed) "Fuck. I'll be right back."

Dante leaves to put on some socks much to the relief of Kaitto.

Kaitto: "Ugh, finally. He was getting on my nerves."

Fluff: "I think it's sweet how worried he is. He wants to impress Marinette."

Kaitto: "She already loves him. He doesn't need to be over the top. It's annoying."

Fluff: "He really likes her Kaitto. We should be supportive. Don't you want him to be happy?"

Kaitto: ".......Yes, I do."

Dante: (comes out ready) "Alright you two I'm ready."

Fluff: "Let's get going then shall we?"

Dante: "Actually I wanted to ask if you two could just stay home today."

Kaitto: "Why?"

Dante: "I want to do this myself. I don't want to invite trouble by having a kwami on hand. So the two of you are going to have the day off today."

Fluff: "What if an akuma shows up while you're out on your date?"

Dante: "An akuma isn't going to show up where I'm taking Marinette and anything that happens to Paris while I'm gone is not my problem."

Kaitto: "Works for me. Come on Fluff we can watch my new show."

Fluff: "Okay."

The two kwamis fly over to the TV and Kaitto turns it on to his show.

Kaitto: "Okay for context you need to know that the main character: Mr daminics finds out that his 7th wife was actually a clone from the future sent by a giant emperor penguin to stop the invention of the fluggle."

Dante: 'What kind of bullshit story line is that? This is considered a drama show?' "I wish you would watch something other than drama shows. This is just sad."

Kaitto: "You just hate drama shows since-"

Dante: "If you finish that sentence then Fluff will be getting all your dessert for a month!"

There was complete silence in the room for a few seconds.

Fluff: "He's willing to take that risk. You don't scare him."

Kaitto: (glares at Fluff) "She doesn't speak for me! My lips are sealed!"

Dante: "They better be for your sake."

Dante leaves letting Kaitto relax.

Fluff: "So what's the big secret?"

Kaitto: "You heard him, I can't tell you. All I can say is that it happened in Shanghai and that he regrets it."

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