Chapter 32: A Trip To Shanghai

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It has been four days since Marinette and Dante's date. Everything seems to be calming down again and Dante was glad for it. Right now though Dante was transformed as Azazel (wolf form) carrying a bouquet of flowers to a certain grave. He wanted to do this secretly but unfortunately Cat Noir had beat him to the site on his knees and sheding a few tears.

Cat Noir: "I'm sorry Sasha. I wasn't strong enough to do anything. I couldn't be there to help you."

Azazel: "Don't blame yourself. There aren't many people who could've interfered without becoming collateral damage."

Cat Noir: (stands up but doesn't look at Azazel) "What are you doing here?"

Azazel: "I came to pay my respects." (Places the flowers on the empty grave) "I really didn't want it to end like that."

Cat Noir: "I know. You tried to give her an out, but she wouldn't take it. Still though I can't help but resent you for it."

Azazel: "Fair enough. Are you going to attack me to avenge her?"

Cat Noir: "No. I may be a fool, but I'm not that stupid. I've been letting my emotions make my decisions which has given me nothing but trouble. I'm not strong enough to face you so I won't bother trying for now. I swear that I will become stronger and once I do I'm going to kick your ass!"

This caught Azazel by surprise. This wasn't his normal remarks that he would say in the heat of the moment. This a vow he made to himself that he truly intended to devote himself to. Azazel started feeling respect for Cat Noir if only just the smallest bit.

Azazel: (smiles) "I look forward to seeing how much you'll grow."

Azazel used [Shifting Shadow] to leave to somewhere secluded and detransforms.

Kaitto: "If I didn't know any better I would say that you're proud of him."

Dante: "Instead of wallowing in sadness he gained a new found resolve so that it wouldn't happen again. I believe that to be praiseworthy."

???: "Well said young one."

While Dante couldn't feel it initially he now sensed an immense power behind him. It felt like he was a krill that was about to be swallowed by a blue whale. Dante turned around very slowly with his hands up to show that he wouldn't try to run or fight. What Dante was expecting to see was someone that had to be the some modern day legendary figure. Instead what he saw was a decrepit old man.

Dante: (Kaitto still floating beside him) "Need something from me?"

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Dante: (Kaitto still floating beside him) "Need something from me?"

???: "Not at this moment. You can be at ease. I simply wanted to say hello to the one who won that fight the other day."

Dante: (puts his arms down) "You saw that, huh?"

???: "Of course. It was fun to watch. Though the others weren't as impressed."

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