Chapter 9: Love Can Be Cold and Sweet

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In the following days after the storm passed Paris became its usual self again. The citizens were walking the streets, businesses opened back up again, and the heros became active once more. Right now those two are trying to stop an out of control bus. The two heros on the bus looked at each other with a plan in mind.

Ladybug: "Ready Cat Noir?"

Cat Noir: "I'm always ready My Lady. Who needs breaks when they got us."

Cat Noir threw his staff to Ladybug who was now at the front part of the bus. She grabbed Cat Noir's staff and wrapped her yoyo around the bus and then jumping in front of the bus proceeding to lay down on the street so she could get underneath the bus. As the bus kept going she wrapped the staff around the other end of her yoyo then throwing it to cat Noir who jumped off the bus and caught it. He then landed between two light posts and extended his staff to be caught on them. This made the bus come to a complete stop just before it hit a few civilians. Ladybug unwrapped her yoyo from everything making the bus door open. Ladybug and Cat Noir were helping people off the bus as they had a conversation.

Cat Noir: "So uh Ladybug, what would you say if you and I met up tonight for a little dinner, rooftop-style?"

Ladybug: "For dinner? As superheroes?"

Cat Noir: "Well, uh... yeah. That's right. We're only together when we're saving Paris. I mean wouldn't you actually want to get to know one another?"

Ladybug: "I... That's so thoughtful. But I can't. I have to... I've already got plans with some friends."

After everyone exited the bus Cat Noir got a little closer to Ladybug so now they were side by side.

Cat Noir: "Well, if you're plans end early, come and join me."

Ladybug: "We'll see."

Cat Noir: "I'll be waiting, Milady."

Both heros exited the scene and went home. After Ladybug landed in her room she detransforms back into Marinette and is called for dinner. After her and her family ate Marinette helped clean up while her father was getting something out of the fridge.

Sabine: "It was delicious, sweetheart."

Tom: "And as a dessert... Ta-Dah."

(Not going to lie, this does look really good)

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(Not going to lie, this does look really good)

Marinette: "Wow! Oh. No thanks Dad."

Tom: "But isn't this your favorite?"

Marinette: "And it still is, Dad. But..."

Marinette got between her parents and gave them both a kiss on the cheek.

Marinette: "I told you I was going out with friends. We're going to get ice cream at Andre's."

Marinette's parents got uncomfortably close to her and spoke in unison, but she didn't really mind.

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