Chapter 3: Foundation of power

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Dante saw a face he never thought he would never see again. He just smiled and cried a few tears of joy.

Dante: "Hey uncle Qrow, it has been too long since we last saw each other."

This is Qrow Branwen, A legendary world class assassin and one of the strongest people in all of Greece

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This is Qrow Branwen, A legendary world class assassin and one of the strongest people in all of Greece. He was the best friend and rival of Andreas Barbatos for nearly their entire lives. While not being blood related, Dante has always thought of Qrow as an uncle and has admired Qrow almost as much as he did his father.

Qrow just then grabbed Dante and pulled him into a hug almost afraid that if lets go then Dante would disappear.

Qrow: "I have been looking for you for years and now I finally found you. After I heard what happened to your parents I had hunted down those who survived and when I found a clue to your whereabouts you were already gone. I completely annihilated the Phantom organization for kidnapping you and when I find out you had become a slave to Ogre he was already dead and his home became nothing but, ashes. The trail had gone cold and I had almost given up I find you at long last, I thought that you could have been dead."

Dante: "Uncle Qrow I will never let myself be killed, I have to much pride."

Qrow: releases from the hug and laughs a little "yea, you seem so different from the Dante I knew a few years ago. why don't we get out of the cold and go home?"

Dante: looks down a little remembering what happened the night that changed his life for the worst. "I don't have a home anymore or people to go back to, I am on my own now."

Qrow: "I meant to say that you are going to stay with me from now on. and before you say anything I am not going to take no for an answer." Qrow gave Dante a genuine smile and just rubbed his head.

Dante was beyond surprised then returning the smile and thanked Qrow before they both went to Qrow's home on the edge of Athens. When they arrived the downstairs lights were on making Qrow nervous because he thought he would be in trouble.

Qrow: "Hopefully when she sees you then she won't think I'm up to no good again."

Dante: "Who?"

Qrow: "My beautiful and terrifying wife."

When they walked through the door sure enough Qrow's wife was waiting for him annoyed that he came home super late.

???: "Qrow I swear if you were drinking all night again then you will be sleeping on the couch for a week."

Qrow: "Its not what you think summer, I wasn't drinking I swear."


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