Chapter 30: Darkness vs Life

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Sasha lined up her shot with her finger on the trigger. She was making sure to take her time so as not to mess up her only chance at this.

Sasha: 'Just one clean shot to the head. Not even he could survive getting hit with this.'

As Dante was walking something shiny caught his eye which made him stop. The object in question was an American penny that was face up.

Dante: 'What the hell is an American penny doing in Paris?'

Dante bent down to grab the penny as Sasha pulled the trigger making the bullet miss Dante by only a few centimeters.

Sasha: 'Fuck!! I missed!'

Dante glares at her direction because he knew the exact building the bullet came from because of the noise of the gun.

Sasha: 'I need to get out of here! I guess I'll go with plan B.'

Sasha left the area just before Dante got there. Kaitto flew into view as Dante examined the area.

Kaitto: "Do you know who it was?"

Dante: "No, but whoever they were they are not normal." (He snaps the sniper rifle in half and points to the foot imprints on the roof) "You see these? They were made by someone who has a lot of physical strength. Much more than an average person is capable of. They also left such little trace that it's almost completely undetectable. I need to find and kill this one before they get away. Kaitto Start The Hunt."

Dante transforms into Azazel and scouts the immediate area. Unfortunately for him Sasha was already too far to be immediately spotted. She got to an area out of sight and calmed herself down. She put on an ear cuff that was going to her only chance to win.

From the ear cuff a kwami manifests with a worried look on her face

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From the ear cuff a kwami manifests with a worried look on her face.

From the ear cuff a kwami manifests with a worried look on her face

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Agnii: "Are you okay mistress?"

Sasha: "Damit! I still feel fear when I see him! I'm supposed to be able to kill him! I trained for this! I sacrificed for this! So why can't I do this?!"

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