Chapter 12: Swift Strike

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It was a normal day with Marinette in the school locker room trying on fencing gear.

Tikki: "This fencing gear really does suit you, Marinette."

Marinette: "Thank you, Tikki. Let's hope wielding a saber is a lot easier than finding a helmet that fits."

The helmet slips and Marinette makes a disgruntled noise making Tikki giggle.

Marinette: (pulls the helmet off.) "I gotta ace these try-outs. D'Argencourt is the most prestigious fencing academy in all of Paris. I've only got this one shot to show them what I've got and get onto the team."

Tikki: "You've been reviewing the fencing rules all weekend, it's going to be great!"

Marinette: "You're right. I'm going to make quite an impression on Dante. And when we both make it in the fencing academy we will be able to spend more time together."

Tikki: "Why is he trying out for the academy?"

Marinette: "I'm not sure. He just said that he was going to be there for the try-outs."

She slams the helmet down on the table, upsetting the others laid out. Marinette scrambles to catch them before they fall off, catching one on her foot.

Marinette: "Ah, here we go. This one should fit perfectly."

In the school's courtyard Mr. D'Argencourt paces between two lines of students with a mood that showed that he was going to be a firm instructor.

Armand: "I am the fencing master, Mr. D'Argencourt. As I'm sure you're aware, we have only two open spots on the team this year. (Armand stops and faces the challengers.) So, in order to select the best possible candidates, I will observe the beginners performing a number of attacks on the experienced students."

Marinette: (looks around) "Where's Dante?"

Mr D'Argencourt gestures with his arm to his students.

Armond: "Get into position."

Marinette is still looking around for Dante when a boy in fencing gear approaches her.

???: "Seems like you're looking for someone."

Marinette: "Yeah, I thought Dante was here. You know, a boy this tall (she gestures to about Dante's height then puts her hand to her cheek.), dark hair, nice, super handsome?"

Dante lifts up his helmet to reveal his face.

Dante: "Thanks for the compliments."

Marinette yelps in surprise which put a smile on Dante's face.

Dante: "I didn't know you were into fencing, Mari."

Marinette: "Uhh Yeah, I'm totally into fencing. It just became a recent interest of mine."

Dante chuckles gently and smiles. Marinette giggles and blushes.

Dante: "Would you like to practice together?"

Marinette: "Ya, that would be fun."

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