Chapter 14: Your Past Never Truly Leaves You

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Ladybug and Cat Noir beat Frightingale and were able to solve Clara Nightingale's music video problem and getting more people in it then what was originally planned. Immediately after the fight and the two heros separated Cat Noir was thinking about the possible deal with Azazel when an arrow shot next to his head which made him jump. He looked around only not to find anyone around so he looked back to the arrow to see a note tied to it. He took the note and opened it up to read the contents.

Cat Noir, I know this is probably not the best way to communicate with you, but it was the only way I could think of without putting myself in the line of notice from our shared enemy. I know you hate Dante Barbatos and I feel the same so maybe we can work something out together. If you wish to discuss this matter further then meet me at the moonlight bite diner at 10pm tonight. I will be the one wearing a tan scarf. Make sure you are not followed. -S

Cat Noir: 'I don't know if I can trust them. Although my alternative option with Azazel is not much better. Well if this is a trap I could always just run away if need be.'

Cat Noir took the note and burned it to ashes because he was a little paranoid that Dante would somehow get his hands on it. Afterwards he went home and prepared himself to meet this mysterious person who caught his attention.

(Meanwhile with Marinette)

Marinette was on her way back home after the fight and when she got there she noticed that the bakery was closed early today which was very strange for her parents to do. She went inside and heard laughing so she knew now that her parents apparently had guests. As she got up the stairs she was surprised to see Dante there. He turned around and saw Marinette giving her a smile.

Dante: "Hey Mari, welcome home."

Marinette: "Thanks. Dante I don't exactly mind but what are you doing here?"

Sabine: "He helped us out in the bakery today. Thanks to him we sold out of goods to sell so we decided to close up early and relax for the day."

Marinette: "You helped out my parents?"

Dante: "Of course, I wanted to please my possible future in-laws."

Marinette: "Heh. Normally your jokes are funnier."

Dante: (pouts a little) "You are getting harder and harder to tease lately."

Marinette: "You are just going to have to try harder then."

Dante: "That's fine. I have all night after all."

Marinette: "What do you mean all night?"

Dante: "Your parents invited me to spend the night here. It's Friday and I have nothing going on so I said yes."

Marinette: "Really?"

Marinette looked at her parents who just nodded. Dante took this opportunity to pick Marinette up and carry her bridal style. This of course made Marinette blush and it didn't help that her parents were watching the whole thing and were seemingly ok with it.

Dante: "We'll be upstairs."

Sabine: "Alright, I'll call you both when dinner is ready."

Dante carried Marinette upstairs planning new ways to tease his favorite French girl.

(Timeskip to night time with Cat Noir)

It was close to the meeting time and Adrien was already transformed into Cat Noir. When he was close to the diner he opened the duffel bag he brought with him and put on the clothes that were inside over his suit so that he wouldn't get too much attention from others. As he got inside there weren't that many people so he wouldn't have to look very hard. In the very back he saw a girl all by herself and was wearing a tan scarf.

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