•Part 5•

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You then finally decided to meet up with Draco at the Astronomy Tower. Now you were really nervous.

You start to stand up and was about to leave.

"Where are you going?" Hermioine asked looking up from her book that she was reading and noticing that you were about to leave.

"Nowhere, really"You said but you could tell she was not buying it.

"Come on just tell me." Hermione said in a curious way.

"You probably won't like it."

"Just tell me, you can trust me, aren't I your best friend?"

"yes you are, ok I'll tell you....*sighs*I am going to meet up with Draco at the Astronomy Tower."

"What? Why?!*It wasn't really in a mean voice It was curious*

"I don't know, he just said to meet him before I could ask any questions, and he told me that when I left to go to the bathroom but I never did, but idk maybe he just wants to talk." You say in a questionable voice.

"Draco never talks to you?"She said not trying to be rude but maybe came out that way.

"I know...but please don't tell Harry or Ron."

"ok your secret is safe with me."Hermione said giving you a soft smile.

"Thanks Mionie"

"yeah of course"

Then you walk out of you dorm and tryed to sneak through the common rood to ovoid questions. Then you headed out to meet Draco.

Your palms were a little sweaty.

You said over the summer that you were going to be more social, but this time you didn't really want to be social.

You are nervous of what was going to happen.

You were wearing sweatpants and a baby blue crop  hoodie. With your hair down.

Once you arrive then you see him standing by the railing of the astronomy tower. Then draco feels your presents and looks back at you.

"You came." Draco said in a kind of surprised way.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"You felt so awkward.

"Well your friends hate me, so they probably would want to hear that you were coming to see me.

"Oh... yeah" Then you both just stood there and awkward silence for a couple seconds then I tried to break it.

"So uh, why did you want to me to come here?" You then slightly laugh.

"Oh..uh right well I wanted talk to you because we haven't in a while."

"Yeah I guess."

"Well I all I just wanted to tell you that... I like you."

Your face shot up from looking at the floor.

You look at him with confusion and blush slightly, but you stayed in silence.

You feel yourself staring to his eyes and he slowly walked towards you and cups your cheek and  then you slowly start to close your eyes as you feel his soft lips touch your. Your lips were in unison.

All you felt was butterflies.

You kiss back, obviously, then snap back in reality and slowly pull back. Draco looks at you with a confused look on why you stopped.

"I'm sorry I-I can't"You say starting to pull away from his hold.

"And why is that?" He asked starting to look a little mad.

" Well...because you never even really talk to me and I feel like you barley just noticed that I exist and there are many reasons, I'm sorry.

"Name one"

"Well I already just said one that we barley even know each other because we barley talk, my friends hate you and you didn't even notice me."

Draco looks a little mad and had his eyebrows frowed.

You walk back to your dorm, just shocked at what just happened that your dream came true that he finally noticed you but that is also the reason you were sad.

A/N: Make sure to vote if you liked this chapter.✨😃

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