•Part 21•

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It was the next day and I got dressed in my robe, straighten my hair, brush my teeth, wash my face, and put on mascara and a little concealer.

I finally feel good about myself.

Even though now I am still single I needed space from things, and just needed my friends.

Hermione hung out with a friend last night so the dorm was empty and I had it all to myself. I still did the same things I would usually do.

Either read a book listen to music or draw, or listen to music and draw. I loved it because it was so therapeutic.

I started to head down to breakfast and saw Hermione already sitting down at the Gryffindor table by Ron and Harry.

"Hey y/n"Hermione said while looking over at me while smiling"

"Hey"I replied while sitting down next to her. While we are sitting down, we were just talking about what she did yesterday.

It was almost first period, So I got up with Hermione and we both walked to my class.

"Okay bye talk later"I said while waving as she leaves to turn the opposite direction.

"Bye"She replies while walking off to leave to her class.

I entered the classroom and sat by Ginny.

The class was so boring, for some reason in the middle of the class I started to feel like shit.

The feeling of me feeling good about myself but away.

My thoughts were going everywhere, everything was quiet and suddenly I feel so alone, just how I felt in second and third year.

I hated this feeling. I wasn't showing any expression, I just wanted to leave this class.

This class was finally over then Snape's class was next. I just avoided people that whole day.

I knew that this happens to me, feeling amazing then next thing you know I realize just how alone I am.

I just feel bipolar sometimes.

Realizing how boring my life is, sometimes I don't even know if Hermione is my best friend because sometimes I can't even talk about stuff with her.

Like important stuff, or how I'm feeling, but I just try to avoid those feelings anyways.

It was lunch, then my last class, then I just went into my dorm after school.

Once I put my stuff on my nightstand beside my bed I moved back the strands of hair that were placed on my face.

And took a deep breath.

Feeling relieved that the stress of school was over.

Then my thoughts really started to take over I started thinking about what a disappointment I am being a Gryffindor from a Slytherin family.

My parents and I don't have the best relationship, that's why I'm always so close with Narcissa.

She cared.

My parents would think they're happiness and perfectness when we were around them.

Then I go to wash off my face in the bathroom. I wanted to remove the mascara on my eyelashes and the concealer under my eyes.

It was so calming, feeling the cold water on top of my warm face. The drips were falling down my face and I grabbed a towel and patted my face dry.

Then I took a deep breath, and slowly sat down on the hardwood and floor with my back leaning against the door of my bathroom.

Done thinking about why Draco had to cheat on me. Then not really having a friend to talk about real stuff. Being a disappointment to my father.

And feeling alone.

I then feel my eyes get watery and started to feel tears drift down my face. And they kept coming.

I kept thinking I was so selfish, and ungrateful when people have it way worse than me.

But I couldn't stop it. My breathing got heavier and faster. I kept crying till I was tired.

My head was pounding. From crying for so long. I kept thinking I'm such a whiner, and a cry baby. I needed to stop it, but there's not a lot of times where I have a panic attack this bad.

After sitting there for a while I realized that it was dinner time but I wasn't hungry. Well almost everyone was in the great hall eating dinner, I went to my favorite place.

The astronomy tower.

So I grabbed a blanket and my favorite book that I was reading and headed up there. I let my head rest as I sat down on the floor with a blanket covered over me and watched as the sun went down, then reading. It was so quiet.

Just what I needed.

The next task was tomorrow, so I wanted to get some rest especially because my head was still tired. So I covered up and went to bed.


Today I didn't feel perfect, but better than yesterday.

I woke up early to see the sunrise It was so beautiful, I could hear the birds chirping and the owls hooting.

It was so beautiful.

After that I got down from the astronomy tower and got back to my dorm.

Hermione wasn't there. Maybe she spent the night at her friend's dorm. Anyways I got dressed and ready, then ate breakfast and Ron wasn't there either.

It was just Harry and I out of the friend group. I went with him to the Great lake for the second task.

We were walking on the dock and never gave Harry Gillyweed to breathe underwater.

Once we got on our boats and got in the middle of the Great lake, Dumbledore explained what they needed to do and Harry was supposed to get one of his friends from under the water, with a time limit.

After a while the first ones to pop up was Cedric and Cho. Second was Victor and Hermione. And Fleur needed to save her sister but since she was out of the water Harry decided to save her too, it was a really crazy and hectic task to accomplish, but he managed to get second place.

I was so happy for him.


*A couple weeks later*

It has been a couple weeks since the last test that Harry did. And in those last couple weeks my life has been boring, Me and Draco never even talk, we just see each other in the hallways, but that's about it. Hermione is still hanging out with her new friend all the time.

So I'm basically alone, and Harry, Ron and I are not that close anymore.

It was finally the last task. We were all at the next task, which was a maze.

All four contestants went into the maze and then after a while I see Harry on the floor with Cedric.
Cedric wasn't moving, He was just laying on the floor, as if you were a statue.

Then you could see that Harry was crying over Cedric.

He was dead. I was in shock, my heart sunk. I wondered what happened.

Then everyone knew when Harry cried and sort of yelled while saying.

"He's back, voldemort's back."


I want to make this chapter a little more meaningful to y/n and really get all that stress and worry out. Sorry if I'm rushing things, but nothing's really going on. And I couldn't think of anything, lol. And I want to write for year five already. And Rip For Helen McCrory also known as Narcissa Malfoy an amazing actor❤️🥺

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