•Part 20•

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If I ever put Y/N at the beginning of a part that means that the part of the story will be if you were writing a journal. (In first person)



I woke up pretty early, which made me really tired. But I took that to my advantage and got ready so then I can relax and not have to rush.

After I was done getting ready I start getting packed up to leave. I couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts, it was so much better there.

I was finally all ready to go. Since I woke up early and got dressed right away I got a few minutes to read my favorite book.

When it was almost time to go I packed up my book and grabbed my luggage, and headed my way downstairs.

As I was walking downstairs I heard foot steps behind me. I immediately knew who it was as I smelled a specific type of cologne.

"Need any help?"Draco asked as he was gesturing to grab my bags.

"I guess."I said hesitantly while giving him my luggage. I didn't really need his help but I knew that there was a lot of stairs and I wasn't going to want to bring down my luggage.

He was so awkward, why did he still want to talk to me after our conversation last night. I was sure that he was going to avoid me.

Even though I was the one who actually wanted to avoid him. Especially because he was dating me and still had feelings for someone like Pansy.

At Hogwarts I kept blaming myself for him cheating on me. But I realize that it really wasn't my fault, and I was good enough.

We start to walk outside and see my parents standing by side the car talking to Narcissa and Lucius. Draco and I walk by and he put My luggage in the trunk.

"Thanks"I said forming a slight smile.

"Of course"He replied also giving a small smile.

"Well I'll see you at school" He says slowly walking backwards away.

"Okay, bye"I said, then Draco nodded his head once. He then says bye to my parents and stands back on the deck with his hands in his pocket.

"Hope you had a great time."Narcissa giving me a hug.

"Yes thank you."I said giving her a smile.

"Hopefully I'll see you this summer"

"Yeah of course, I usually do come over"

"Okay well have fun at Hogwarts"she replied giving me another hug.

"Thank you, okay bye"I said starting to let go of the hug.

"Bye"she said giving me a warm smile, and as I was walking into the car.

"Are you ready honey?" My mom asked.

"Yeah"I reply starting to open the door of the car to sit down.

"Thank you for letting us stay."My mom said to Narcissa.

"Oh yes, I enjoyed your company."Narcissa said giving a smile and a hug to my mom.

Everyone said bye and we went in the car and was starting to drive.

*A couple days later*

It was time to go back to Hogwarts. I was happy about that, I missed my friends, I couldn't wait to see them.

I got on the Hogwarts Express and went into a compartment. Hermione walks up to the compartment and sees that I'm in it.

She opens it up and comes in and sits beside me.

"Hey y/n! How was your Christmas break?"

"It was okay I guess, how was yours?"

"It was great!"

"That's good"I kind of chuckled and smiled.

The rest of the train ride she just asked why my Christmas was just okay and we talked for a while until we got to Hogwarts and got to our dorm room.

We got dressed in our robes and headed down to the Great Hall for dinner.

We both walked over and sat down at the Gryffindor table. We both sat by Harry and Ron which were across from us. Hermione and Ron seem to be better since the Yule ball.

"Hey guys"I say looking at Ron and Harry.

"Hey" Harry said giving a smile.

"Hi"Ron said after.

We start to eat and we were just talking about our Christmas break and then talking about what was going to happen for the tournament.

"Harry have you figured it out what the next task was?"I asked.

"Uhh no I haven't yet."as he was saying that Hermione looked at him with a confused, mad, and shocked face.

I was confused on why she was showing so much negative emotion. But I remember a couple weeks ago she told me that he already figured out the egg.

"I wonder if anybody else figured it out yet"

"Yeah, I don't know"Harry replied and looked down.

After dinner was done me and Hermione both walked to our dorm and just hung out.

"I can't believe that Harry lied to me about the egg. He told me that he figured it out weeks ago, honestly the nerve, I could have helped him out to understand what the egg was about or it's meaning is."Hermione was saying as she was pacing back and forth around our dorm. And me watching her while I was sitting on my bed

"Yeah probably, hopefully he'll be okay."I reply.

"Yeah that's really the only reason I'm upset, really."

Me and Hermione were both just talking about the tournament and about Harry's dreams that he has been having.

After a while of talking we both decide to go to bed.


Hopefully you're like this chapter, and ✨Make sure to vote if you did✨I have been taking a lot of breaks from writing. And I was thinking about fixing part one to make it longer so it looks like a official Wattpad story. So if it changes then you know why.

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