Chapter 1

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Beep! Beep! Beep!

Jesus. Damn alarm clock. 6:00 am. Great.

I trudge out of my bed and then fall back onto the bed.

Wake the Frick up, Ali. You got to get Sam up.

I finally get up after some words of encouragement in my head.

I go over to my little brother's bedroom and peek to see he is still peacefully asleep. Mom has already left the house. And I am alone in taking care of her child.

I creep to the bed trying not to wake him up with my huge stomps of hell fury.

"Sammy, got to get up. You have to get ready for school." I whisper while shaking him.

He pries his eyes open and give me a small smile. "I know, AliGator."

Only five and he has to wake up early and sometimes make his own breakfast. Why did he have this kind of childhood?

I give him a small smile. Only five and he understands too much.

I leave him to change and get ready. I put on a oversized black sweater, pair of jeans, old black converse, and a maroon beanie.

6:30 and we're out the door heading to his kindergarten. "AliGator you're picking me up right?"


"Can you come with me, AliGator?"

"Of course." I look at him through the mirror and he's happily flipping through the pages of his book.

We finally get to his kindergarten and I park the car to come in with him. "Come on, AliGator. Hurry up." He yells as he runs to the door.

I jog on over and he's already by the door of his classroom. "Good morning, Ms. Mayfield. Can I help you with getting ready?"

Ms. Mayfield smiles, "Of course, Sam. Just start with organizing the markers from crayons."

He runs on over and starts on his task. He always wants to help. Always wants to take care of people.

"How is it?" Ms. Mayfield asks.

"Mom's been working more but it still doesn't cover the bills. So I had to take on a third job. We'll make it though. I just want Sammy to have a better future." I say.

Ms. Mayfield was a pretty old lady. But she had the sweetest children caring heart. Her grayish hair and the wrinkles on her hands yet she doesn't retire. She wants to stay with these kids.

"Okay, honey. Just don't overwork yourself. You got to look out for your own future. And if you need a babysitter just ask me. I'll be happy to take care of Sammy. He's such a good kid."

"Thank you, Ms. Mayfield. I'll be going now."

I say my good bye to Sammy and leave for the dreadful, highschool.


The rest of the day consisted of dumbass lectures I won't need and fucking pop quizzes that just show I'm dumb and just drops my grade.

I call Ms. Mayfield to babysit Sam. I just need some time. That's all.

I start up my Chevy and head to one place. The ice rink.


After a half an hour drive I'm finally here.

I walk in to be greeted with the smell of old hockey equipment and plastic.

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