Chapter 18

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The school was buzzing on the new IT couple or cutest couple, Noah and Juliet. I was so happy for Juliet. She finally got her man, it may have taken 6 years but she has him now.

"Well, isn't it the cutest couple." I tease Juliet who was wrapped in Noah's arm.

"Never knew I would be in that position in my life." Juliet says as she untangle herself and held his hand instead.

" You two are just perfect for eachother. Like the lost half of a heart finding it's pair." Eliza says putting her arm around Juliet's shoulder.
"But me and Eliza have to have a talk with Mr. Noah." I say looking at Eliza. She nods, "Yeah."

"You better not scare him away. I just got him." Juliet says.

"No promises." Eliza teases.

Juliet shakes her head and kisses Noah's cheek with a good bye. Once she had walked off to her class, we face Noah.

"Okay, listen. You probably know what we're about to say, but it has to be brought up. You better not break her heart or I'll break your neck." I say trying to intimidate him even though I was few inches shorter.

"You girls always worrying about a heartbreak." Noah says calmly, chuckling.

"You boys breaking every girl down her walls just to shoot her through the cracks." Eliza saying now glaring at him and his smirks.

"Don't worry, she's the last person I would want to hurt. You always look at eachother like another glass bottle when actually you're stronger than a bullet proof vest." He says his smirk falls and his eyes soften as he talks about Juliet. There was true sincerity in his words.

"If you're going to hurt her do it now when it's just the beginning because once you're deep into this relationship it will just wreck her more." I say and them smile at him.

"I'm not going to hurt her. I won't. If I hurt her it would just be suicide. She gets hurt, I will too." He says smiling back and walks off toward his classes.

"He really cares about her." Eliza says surprise read on her face.

"Yeah he does. I wish I could find someone that does the same with me." I say sadly.

"You have Dylan." Eliza says question creeping into her words.

"Yeah, but it feels like he will just be another fling. I don't even know if we are a couple." I reply thinking back.

"Your prince charming will be found sooner or later. Well, I've got to go. I have class with Alec." She says happily.

I smile at her and walk to gym class. I've really been trying to avoid gym class because of what happened before. But I guess I can't get away now.

I walk in the locker room to change into my gym uniform.

"Hey, Ali. What's up?" Casey greets me inside.

"Nothing much. How about you?" I ask Casey as I tie up my gym shoes.

"Eh. But Colby is going to be in your group instead of Nicole." Casey says. This brings me full attention. I haven't gotten to hang out with him because he's been busy catching up with the rest of the class and he's been unpacking and settling into his new house.

"Really? Why?" I ask Casey now excited for gym class for the first time in my life.

"Because of what happened last class, Coach thought it would be bad to put Nicole and Jack in the same group." Casey tells me as she puts her long brown hair into a blue hair tie.

I smirk and mentally glare at the memory. "I'm glad that I get to be in the same group as Colby. I haven't hung out with him lately." I tell her standing up, ready to leave the locker room which was intoxicated with what should seem like a high, toxic level of cheap perfume from Kohls and deodorant with sweat.

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