Chapter 4

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Biology class consisted of me having to sit next to Jack for the remainder of the year. Yey, just my luck.

Once the bell rang, I start gathering my stuff and begin to head to lunch.

"Are you going to answer the question I asked?" Jack asks from behind.

"And what was that?" I asked.

"Do you know how to skate?" He asks.

"And why must I answer this random question with no purpose?" I say without caring.

"It has a purpose. It's going to help me figure you out, cupcake." And with that he goes ahead to the lunch room. His hand brushed against mine and their was a searing warmth left behind.

I start heading to my table with all my friends which included Annabelle, Juliet, Jane, Beth, Jenna, Casey, Eliza, Jason, Brandon, and Alec.

Let me give you a full run through about my friends.

Annabelle: the cheery always smiling kind of person. She always laugh and has a bit of an interest in Jason. She has shoulder length brown hair, and brown eyes. She also has a twin, Anthony.

Jason: Baseball player, basketball player. He also is hilarious but is weird like the kind of weird you'll question but eventually laugh. Brown hair with a almost hazel eyes. Also, major gamer.

Juliet: Basketball player, volleyball player, track member and also student council member. Juliet is also the sarcastic logical one in the group. Dirty blonde hair, purple glasses, and a bit short compared to us but she is average size I have to say. She also has a crush for Noah.

Noah: Popular guy in school. Blonde winswept hair with blue eyes. Every girl liked him because of his chill attitude. Nicole especially attaches herself to him like a blood sucking leech.

Eliza: Basketball player, Volleyball player, and also Key club member. Eliza has a crude humor only we would understand. She does get a bit crazy. She also has a undying love for Alec. She has blonde hair and pretty green eyes.

Alec: Student council member and has reddish brownish hair with green eyes scattered with reddish tints. Also the sane one in our crazy little group. He evens out the crazy and calm.

Jenna: The quiet yet outgoing one in our group. Has big dreams but just has a little self confidence. She classifies herself lower than she should. She has light brown hair with brown eyes.

Beth: Acts like a punk but doesn't dress as one. She is as you might say a bit if a drama queen. But she really is nice once you get to know her.

Brandon: A bit short, brown hair, and blue eyes. He is the one person in the group that just keeps coming up with the innuendos. He's also Jason's best friend. And also Jane has a bit of a crush on him. She says a bit but you can obviously tell it's not just a bit.

Jane: Tall on in the group, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. She doesn't talk much but comes into conversation when she can. She also been acting a bit odd lately. Mysterious and all.

Casey: Short one but has a bit of "spice" as you might say. She can go full crazy when she wants and really puts her best at what she do. She has long, long, kind of curly hair.

Those are all my friends. I love them and they really do help me and they keep me entertained.

I sit next to Juliet and Annabelle. Annabelle sits next to Jason, Jason sits next to Brandon, Brandon next to Jane, Jane next to Casey, Casey next to Alec, Alec next to Eliza, Eliza next to Jenna, Jenna next to Beth, and Beth next to Juliet.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I ask casually.

"Nothing much." Juliet says.

"I swear I saw him. Like I swear to god he just walked in before Ali." Beth says to Jenna.

"Who?" Jason asks.

"Jack, a guy which is so hot." Beth says.

"Yeah, he's here. I'm tutoring him and have Biology and Gym with him." I reply.

"What! How could you not tell me! I mean seriously?" Beth screams at me.

"Well, sorry for not having seen you today." I say.

"Um, is it just me or is he looking our way?" Annabelle asks.

Everybody glances over at him and surely enough he's staring at us, specifically me. I blush and turn away and continue to eat my cold pizza.

"He was totally checking me out." Beth says.

Not really. I'm pretty sure that he was looking at me.

"I bet he was just looking at us because we're weird." I say.

We continue with our lunch. Eliza and Alec seems to be lost on their conversation, Annabelle and Jason seems pretty social towards each other today. But Jane and Brandon seems to have nothing to say to anyone. I see them sneak some glances then Jane stood up.

"Hey, guys. I have to get going to ask the office about starting a new club." Jane walks away.

"Yeah, I'm going to go too. I have to talk to a teacher about my test." Brandon gets up from the table and leaves heading the same way as Jane.

"Those two are keeping something from us." Jason says, "I've never seen Brandon so...stiff and awkward."

"You're right. We should talk to them seperately," Eliza says, "Jason talk to Brandon and me, Juliet, and Ali will take of Jane. And we can just text each other the details."

"Good idea, Eliza. Okay, everybody agree?" Annabelle says.

We all nod our heads.

"Okay it's settled." Eliza says.

I feel like a spy and we have to figure out all these clues to see what those two were up to. This is going to be fun.

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