«We're Sisters»

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I stare down at the map in my hand trying to come up with a plan to rescue my friends.  "Hmm." I glance down at Ivy who's murmuring in her sleep, her head resting in my lap. My eyes are drawn to the blood stained bandage wrapped around her upper arm.

I was so afraid yesterday when I saw that arrow hit her. She's lucky it was her arm, but what'll happen next time? It's not like I can ask her not to fight. First it's not who she is and second that would be me being selfish. I shake my head and Toothless gets to his feet stretching out his body, reminding me of a cat.

I smile as he yawns and growls lowly. "Morning, bud," I say softly and he grumbles softly. Once Toothless is up of course Nightwing follows suit, spending almost all her free time with my dragon. I think they like each other. Nightwing nuzzles Toothless in greeting before leaning down to sniff at her Rider.

The exhale of air causes strands of Ivy's hair to move and the sensation makes her eyes open. "I'm up, Nightwing." Her purple eyes light up in happiness and she coos at the raven haired girl. I think Nightwing was just as worried as I was about Ivy. "How's your arm feeling?"

"It aches, but it won't hinder me." She gets up and allows Nightwing to wind around her. "Yeah, I love you too, girl." I smile as the dragon jumps excitedly, happy to see her Rider up and healthy. "Alright, clam down. You should know better by now, Nightwing. I always bounce back."

I suddenly remember the state we found her in when following Nightwing back to the cove. If we hadn't found Ivy in time she would have succumbed to her blood loss and infection. Nightwing must have been afraid something like that was going to happen again and she was scared for Ivy.

"Hey, Snotlout. You up?" I ask getting up and walk over to him. He had his helmet pulled down, covering his eyes, and is sleeping against Hookfang. He lifts his head up and fixes his helmet.

"Yes. Somebody snores." He points his finger towards Hookfang, who stands up and shoots fire at him. Snotlout leans forward out of the way and glares at him. "Hookfang!"

I hear splashing and turn to see Nightwing and Toothless come up with three fish in each of their jaws. "Nightwing?" Ivy asked, pointing towards the dead embers of the fire they made for us last night. She grumbles and fires a blast reigniting the fire. "Thanks, girl."

"Great. I am starving. We'll cook these up and…" Hookfang snatches the fish that Snotlout was reaching for, swallowing it whole. Ivy shakes her head and gathers up the fish Nightwing brought, throwing one into the air. As it falls back down Nightwing snatches it, gulping it down.

"Okay. Okay, all right." He reaches for the second fish only for Hookfang to snatch it again. "Okay. No. Stop it." He's reaching for the last one when Hookfang grabs it and Snotlout lunges for it. "Hey! Hey! Gimme that!"

"Looks like somebody's feeling better," I say with amusement and turn to see Ivy cooking her fish over the open flame. "Hey, stop that! Stop!"

"Want one?" Ivy asks me and I shake my head. "I'm good. Thanks though." She nods and clicks her tongue at Toothless who looks away from Snotlout and Hookfang.

"Here you go, boy," she says with a smile before tossing him the fish which he happily eats. Toothless coos in thanks and suddenly Nightwing begins a game of tag by tapping him on the nose with one of her tailfins. I can see Toothless' eyes light up with mischievous before he takes off after her.

I can't help but feel joy at the scene unfolding before me. They act like hatchlings around each other. I unroll my map and go back to studying it. "What are you doing?" Snotlout asks finally ending his fight with the Monstrous Nightmare.

I'm a Berserker [Hiccup Haddock x OC] HTTYD/RTTEWhere stories live. Discover now