«Dagur In The Heart»

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I stand outside the clubhouse, looking up at the moon shining brightly above us. I hear footsteps and turn to see Dagur and Astrid. "Welcome back." Astrid heads inside and Dagur stops in front of me. "It really is great to see you, Ivy. I've been dreaming of this moment."

"Wow. Are you sure you're Dagur?" He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "You have every right to distrust me after everything I've done. I probably don't even deserve your trust. But I really am trying to be better."

"I know, Dagur." I place my hand on his shoulder and look up into his eyes. "You're my brother. And I will never abandon you no matter what. I love you."

"I love you too, sister." He pulls me into a hug and I wrap my arms around him, holding him tightly. "I'm so happy that you're back." He pulls away and looks down at me. "Ivy, you know I didn't kill our father, right?"

"Of course, Dagur. I knew how much you loved our mother and I couldn't even imagine you wanting to hurt our father no matter how bad you got." He smiles sadly and nods. "Good." He glances back into the clubhouse before turning back to me.

"You and Hiccup? How long's that been going on?"

"A few weeks." I tuck strands of hair behind my ear and he laughs, patting my arm. "You picked a good one, sis." I roll my eyes and he leads me into the clubhouse, closer to the fire. Tuff eventually drags him away and starts showing him all about Chicken.

"You!" I suddenly hear Heather's voice and I whip around. She's standing in the doorway of the clubhouse, glaring at Dagur. "Sister!" Dagur gets to his feet, arms outstretched as if he's expecting a hug. Heather pulls her axe from her back and my eyes widen as she rushes towards him.

"Heather, no!" I race forward and get in front of Dagur, staring Heather right in the eyes. Her eyes widen and she digs her heels in, skidding to a halt in front of us. Her axe is inches away from my face and we glare into each other's eyes. After minutes of us staring at each other she finally puts her axe down.

After everything settles down a little more Dagur turns to Hiccup with a hurt look. "Hiccup Haddock, I cannot believe you kept my Heather from me. I was so worried. Was she alive? Was she dead?"

"Oh, please. Drop the act. And you! Bad enough you were consorting with my mortal enemy," Heather fumes and I cross my arms over my chest, standing beside my brother.

"But then you teach him how to ride a dragon? Have you lost your mind?" She grabs onto his armor and pulls him closer getting into his face. Hiccup grabs her wrists and removes her hands from his clothing. "Heather, he saved my life."

"I don't care! You can't trust him. You think it's a coincidence that he shows up now before this mission? It's a setup, Hiccup. Can't you see that?" Astrid comes over to her and places her hand on Heather's shoulder.

"To be fair, that was my first thought, too."

"He set me adrift as a child. He killed our father, for Thor's sake." She makes a move towards him and I cut her off glaring into her face. "He would never hurt our father! Dagur loved him!"

"Are you serious! He tried to kill you too remember! He was helping the Dragon Hunters attack us! Are you so blind by your emotions that you can't even see that."

"Don't you dare-" I grab onto the collar of her tunic, but Dagur gently pulls me back, motioning for me to calm down. "Most, if not all, of those things are true, but I am trying to change, sister." She grabs him and holds her axe to his throat, I curl my hands into fists.

"Don't ever call me that, spy."

"I'm not a spy. I don't know how I could possibly prove that. I guess you're just gonna have to take my word for it." He pushes her axe away from his throat and gazes around at the group. His eyes darken with sadness and my heart aches at seeing it. I don't think I've ever seen him so sad.

I'm a Berserker [Hiccup Haddock x OC] HTTYD/RTTEWhere stories live. Discover now