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~Dave POV

"Teagan. How you been?" I asked side hugging her. "Better now that I know you're okay. How you holding up?" She asked. "Doing good. My moms said you had been stopping by."

"Yeah, when I heard you got shot I was so scared that you weren't going to make it. Then social media said you were okay and recovering in the hospital, I figured I'd be comforting by checking in on your mom like I always did in situations like this." She said. Silence took over the room.

"This is Madyson. My girlfriend." I said introducing her. "Nice to meet you." Teagan said holding her hand out. "Likewise." Madyson said shaking her hand. "Alright this is awkward so how about we go eat." I said.

We all walked to the kitchen sitting down at the table.


After the dinner, I walked Teagan out to her car. "If I would have known you had a girlfriend I would have waited." She said. "You're fine. I'm pretty sure she didn't mind." I shrugged. "It's crazy how long it's been since we've seen each other." She said. "Yeah, what's it been like four years?" I asked making her nod. "If it's not too much to ask, I'd love to catch up over a meal." She said.

"I don't know, I got a studio session at noon tomorrow." I said. "How about breakfast at 3 Guys around nine." She said smiling. "That smile man." I said shaking my head. "Let me get your number and I'll let you know." I said to her. We exchanged numbers and she went home. I walked back in the house seeing Madyson laughing in the living room with my mom.

"What's so funny?" I asked sitting down next to Madyson on the couch. "This picture of you. You look like a little James Brown." She said trying to control her laughter. It was a picture of me in middle school with my hair permed. "Alright, alright put that shit away." I said. "I'm so glad you two found each other again." My mom said. "I always thought for sure you two would be married with a family by now."

"Slow your role mama. You always rushing to get you some grandkids. You got Kairi."

"Kairi is a handful of grown. I want a little grandson." She smiled looking at Madyson. "Alright mama it's getting late and it looks like you had a bit too much to drink." I said standing up. "Mhm, if that's what you say. Y'all two be safe out there, I'll drop Kairi off tomorrow evening." She said. Me and Madyson walked out getting in the car.

"So. Teagan." She said making me laugh a little. "Why'd you say her name like that?" I asked. "No reason. She just seems, nice." She shrugged. "That's just how she is. Nothing major or anything to worry about okay." I said.

"I'll take your word for that."

~Madyson POV

After getting Dave home, I pulled into mine seeing an extra car in the driveway. "Tess, you here?" I called out walking inside. I walked in the living room and I was instantly pissed.

"What are you doing here Ken?" I sighed. "You haven't been returning my calls or my texts. I even emailed you." He said. "Well I blocked you. Tess why did you let him in here?" I asked looking at her sitting on the couch. "I didn't. He still has a key." She said.

"Remind me to take that from you." I said walking off going in my room. I could hear him following me. "Have you even read the files I gave you?" He asked. "No Ken, I didn't. What did the files say?" I asked getting annoyed. "That I can take everything from you by law for leaving me at the altar like that."

"Fine Ken. What do you want from me. You want some money? You want back all the things you bought me? You can fucking have it." I said. "Yeah, I want back everything I bought you. Including this fucking house." He said making my head pop up. "You can't touch this house."

"If you read the files or returned my messages, you'd know that I can. This was my house before we got engaged, and even before we met. It's still under my name so this house is mine and I am taking. We weren't married yet so this was never claimed as marital property. Should have thought of that before you left me." He said. "Can you act more like bitch?" I asked sarcastically.

"I mean seriously Ken? Where the hell am I supposed to go huh?" I asked. "Where is Tess supposed to go?"

"Tess didn't fuck me over, you did. For all I care, Tess can live here for as long as she wants. How about you call up that nigga of yours and tell him you need a place to stay. I want you gone before the week is over." He said before walking out.

"I hate to be nosey at a time like this. But what was all that about?" Tess asked walking in. "I'm homeless." I said making her raise a brow. "What do you mean you're homeless?"

"This is Ken's house. He owns it, it his property. Now he's kicking me out of it." I sighed. "Well then, you mean we're homeless." She said. "He says you can stay here if you'd like."

"Like I said, we're homeless. I'd jump in front of a moving train before I stay in this house without you." She scoffed making me laugh a little. "I mean, it's not like I don't have the money to buy a place. I just don't have enough time to get one before he kicks me out of here."

"Ask Dave."

"Tess, we just put a name on our relationship two days ago. I think I'd be moving a bit fast by asking him if I could move in with him." I said. "I could ask Dom." She said. "On that note. I'll ask Dave."

"But it's late, I'll meet with him before he goes to his studio session and talk about it."

**Next Morning**

~Dave POV

I agreed to have breakfast with Teagan this morning just to catch up with her. I walked into the restaurant seeing her already at the table.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't show." She said. "I wouldn't just leave you here all by yourself." I said sitting down.

"Wow, four years." She said looking at me. "Not to disrespect your girlfriend but you look fine as hell." She said. "I could say the same about you. So how's life been treating you?" I asked. "Life has been great. You remember back when we were dating and I told you I wanted to start my own law firm?" She asked making me nod. "Well I did that. It's been around for about a year now and it's doing great." She said.

"Glad to see you followed your dreams."

"I mean let's not forget about you mister big time rapper. That was always your dream wasn't it?" She asked. "At some point. Getting kind of tiring now." I shrugged. "What do you mean?"

"I don't have the same passion for rapping as much as I did when I started. I'm being pressured into dropping this new tape that I don't even want to do." I said. "Well what do you want to do. Cause the Dave I knew wouldn't sit around wasting his life on something he didn't care about." She said. My phone started ringing. I looked down seeing Madyson's name.

"No worries. You can take it." She said. "Nah it's okay, I'll call her back in a little."


"This was fun." Teagan said as we approached her car. "Yeah. We definitely got to do this again sometime." I said. "Yeah definitely." There was silence between the both of us. "I think you should go." She said without taking her eyes off of mine. "Yeah. I think so." I knew I needed to walk away. My mind was yelling at me to walk away. But my body made me stay.

With no hesitation, I leaned in pressing my lips against hers.


~ashkash2 💋

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