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~Tess POV

"I figured you'd run away with the money by now." Dom said getting out the car. "Yeah well, I wanted to give you a extra day to get your mind right. It seems like you have already." I said laughing a little bit. "Why did you ask me to meet you here?" I asked looking around. It was an empty parking lot behind an old warehouse.

"I want to give you one last chance to tell me what's going on." She said. "Dom, I told you. There is nothing going on. Madyson found a place out in Queens where she feels safe. I don't know where Dave is. I got my money from an old friend and we can finally move into that dream house we've been looking at." I said grabbing her arms.

"The only thing is Tess I don't believe you. I've known Madyson a long time ago and we grew a sort of bond. I would hate to see something bad happen to her." She said. "I just old you she's in Queens." I said. Dom snatched her arms away and backed up. "Dom what the fuck is going on?" I asked. "I didn't want this to happen to you." She said with tears forming in her eyes. "Dom." I said. "I'm so sorry Tess."

Before I could run, I felt the muzzle of a gun put to the back of my head.

~Dave POV

After leaving my mom's appointment, I pulled up to the apartment. I started to unlock the door but it was already unlocked. I opened the door seeing broken glass and blood everywhere. "MADYSON!" I yelled out. "MADYSON WHERE ARE YOU!" I went into the bedroom seeing her balled up in the corner crying. "Madyson what happened? Where is Jarnez?" I asked referring to the guy I had here to watch her. "H-He hurt me." She said. "Hurt you where?" I asked. She moved her hand that was covering her arm showing a stab wound. "What the fuck! He stabbed you!"

"Madyson I need you to get up and tell me what happened."

She got off the floor sitting on the bed.

"I was fixing myself something to eat and I heard the door open. I thought it was you but it wasn't, it was your friend. He said he was just coming in to use the bathroom but I caught him in the bedroom going through my things. I started to yell at him and he came at me. H-He hit me." She said with a tear falling. "I tried to get away but he chased me all the way to the kitchen. I grabbed a knife and stabbed him but he forced it out of my hand and returned the pain." She said. "You stabbed him? So he's dead?"

"I-I don't know. He ran out of here when I said I would try to call you."

"Fuck Madyson. I'm sorry. I didn't know he would do something like that." I said pulling her into a hug. "I need to get to a hospital. For my arm." She said. "No. You're a doctor. You can fix it yourself, there's a first aid kit around here somewhere." I said getting up. "But Dave I could ge-" I cut her off. "No buts. You did good by protecting yourself. I'll be back with the first aid kit." I said walking out the room.

~Madyson POV

When I said I was getting my way to freedom, I meant it.

By any means.


"I don't think I should be in here with you. Dave told me not to." Jarnez said. "I don't care what Dave said. I need your help." I said. "Help with what?" He asked. "Do you know who Dave really is?" I asked making him raise a brow. "What you mean?" I lifted up my shirt showing the bruises. "He did this to me yesterday. After he murdered an old woman in a hotel just to make me his punching bag again." I said. "Punching bag? Dave is many things, but he ain't abusive." He scoffed.

"I know it's hard to believe your friend is crazy. But you have to believe me. He is a monster and he's only going to get worse. You're not here because of his enemies. You're here to make sure that I don't run away again." I said. "If that's the case then why are you talking to me about it. Aren't you scared that he'll do something to you if he finds out that you're talking to me?" He asked. "Of course I'm fucking scared. But I have to escape and I need this plan done sooner than later. And you're my first step." I said.

"What do you need?"

I walked into the kitchen grabbing a knife and handed it to him. "Stab me." I said. "What the hell. I'm not stabbing you yo." He said putting the knife down. "Please! I need you to stab me!" I yelled. "How does stabbing you help in this situation. If all of this is true why don't you just go to the police?" He asked. "Because it's not that fucking easy. I know Dave and I know how many friends he has around. If I put him in jail, he won't hesitate to have someone hurt me. I need to make sure he isn't around to do that. My friend helped me come up with a plan but I have to play along with his little sick ass game first." I said. "So if this plan doesn't end with Dave sitting in a cell then how does it end?"

"With him laying in a casket. Now please. Help me." I said feeling tears form in my eyes. "Can't believe I'm about to go against my own homie." He said shaking his head picking up the knife. "Wait." He said putting the knife back down. "If you telling the truth, then me stabbing you ain't gone get you nowhere." He said. "What are you talking about?"

"Clearly you ain't seen attempted murder before. Dave is a hitman. He knows what it's supposed to look like. You getting stabbed in a spot that squeaky clean isn't believable. You got to make it look like something went down. A fight." He said looking around. He looked at the glass coffee table stomping it causing it to break. "What the fuck ae you doing?" I asked. "He flipped over some things making it look chaotic. "Change of plans. You stab me." He said approaching me with the knife. "What, no. I'm not stabbing you." I said. "Why not?"

"Because I can't."

"You want to kill Dave but can't even stab me. Here. Just stab me in the leg or something. I need my blood to drip on the floor. Dave a manipulative ass nigga. If you make it seem like you hurt me, maybe even say that you killed me, I guarantee he gone use that as leverage against you. Try to use it every time you try to leave him. It'll help you with you plan. This ain't my first rodeo with abusive relationships." He said.

I hesitated but I grabbed the knife.

"I-I can't." I said. He snatched the knife and sliced his leg. "What the fuck!" I yelled. He put pressure on it causing more blood to drip on the floor. He took off his hoodie and wrapped it around his leg. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Trust me. I've been hurt worse than this."

"Now let's finish this shit."


~ashkash2 💋

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