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**Two Weeks Later**

~Madyson POV

"You've been doing real good at the hospital Dr. Brown." My boss said approaching me. "Thank you so much. I've been trying to keep up with everyone else around here." I said laughing a little. Last week, I accepted the job offer at Mount Sinai. "Do you mind if I pull you to the side and ask you a quick question?" She asked. "Oh sure." I said. I followed her upstairs to her office. "Is everything okay?" She asked making me raise a brow. "Um, with the job? Yeah everything is cool." I said.

"No, not with the job. I mean with you. A lot of the nurses are noticing how swollen your eye is looking today. Coming from a doctor, it looks like something that formed after being hit." She said. "Oh no! That's nothing like that. I had a reaction to something last night and my face literally blew up like a fish. This is just the aftermath of it all." I said laughing nervously. "Are you sure? Because if you have someone at home or anything like that, the people in this hospital can help you. Just say the word."

"Dr. Burnes, I promise you. There is nothing like that going on. I'd be sitting in a police station right now if that were the case." I said. "Alrighty. As long as you're okay. We just take care of the members of this hospital that's all." She said. "I appreciate your concern. Can I go now?" I asked with a small smile. "Yes, of course." I got up and walked out going into the bathroom.

I locked the door behind me feeling the tears starting to form in my eyes.


"Dave what the hell is going on?" I asked walking in the house. "What are you talking about?" He responded without taking his eyes off his phone. "This place is a mess. And it stinks in here." I said. "Well then fucking clean it up." He scoffed getting off the couch. "Seriously? This isn't my mess to clean up. I've been at work all day and I'm tired." I sighed. "Not my fucking problem." He shrugged walking in the room. "You're acting like a fucking child right now." I said following behind him.

"Can you chill with all the bitching and nagging." He said. "Bitching? Because I'm telling you to clean up behind yourself. You're a grown ass man, I shouldn't be having to "bitch" at you in the first damn place." I scoffed. "You getting smart?" He asked stepping to me.

"No. I'm just saying, you have to clean up. I can't come home and take care of you everyday like you're my child." I said making him laugh a little bit. "I don't got time for this shit." He said walking off. "Dave come on now. You can't keep acting like this."

"Acting like what?"

"Like a brat. I understand, you lost your daughter and that is heartbreaking. But that is no excuse for you to be acting the way you're acting." I said making him stop in his tracks. "Come here." He said turning around.


"No just come here. You're right." He said opening up his arms for a hug. I approached him slowly only to have his fist meet my eye. "Don't you ever, in your life, bring up Kairi again."

**Flashback Over**

I shook off the thoughts of what happened last night and wiped my tears. I looked in the mirror making sure I looked okay and walked outside to continue the rest of my shift.

~Dave POV

"Millie's gone." Herb said sitting on my couch. "Took you long enough." I scoffed. "What about them niggas who killed your kid. You got a hold of them yet?" He asked. "I got eyes on them. I'll get them when the time is right." I said. I looked up at Herb who was staring at me. "The fuck is your problem?" I asked.

"What you on?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "I smelled the liquor when I got here but ain't no alcohol strong enough in this world to have yo eyes looking like like that. You doing drugs?" He asked. "Do it look like I do drugs yo?"

"Right now, it's looking like it. I know this shit got you fucked up but don't do no stupid shit and get yourself fucked in the process." He said. "I don't need no life lesson from you."

"East. You done seen what that shit can do to people bro. You want to end up like them?" He asked. "I don't got time for this shit. Let yourself out." I said getting up and walking upstairs.

**Later That Night**

The front door opened telling me Madyson was home. "Wassup baby." I said walking up to her. "Hey." She said with a small smile. "How was work?"

"It was good. How was your day?" She asked. "Tiring. What you cooking tonight?" I asked. "Dave it's almost midnight. I've been on my feet all day, why didn't you just cook for yourself." She sighed. "Because I wasn't hungry. I'm hungry now."

"I just wan-" I cut her off. "Maybe some chicken? Or burgers? I'm good with both." I smiled placing a kiss on her forehead. My phone started ringing making me look down. It was Teagan calling.

"Wassup." I said answering.

"We need to talk. Now." She said sounding worried.

"It can't wait?"

"No, it can't fucking wait Dave. Meet me at my place. I'll text you the address." She said before hanging up.

"You're leaving? You just said you were hungry." Madyson said as I grabbed my keys. "And I still am. So I should have a nice meal ready for me when I get home." I said walking out the house.

~Madyson POV

I kicked off my shoes and took off my clothes. I looked in the mirror admiring my eye. It was getting worse. "What the fuck am I still doing here." I said to myself. I ran the bath water hoping to get a shower and be able to cook before Dave got back home. As the water was running, my phone starting ringing. Tess was FaceTiming me. I haven't spoken to her in weeks because of Dave and I.

If she knew what he was doing to me, she would spazz. I couldn't answer the FaceTIme call because of the way my face was looking so I ignored it.

From T💜 : Ignore my fucking call again.
Delivered : 11:46 p.m

From T💜 : You haven't been answering me for weeks. Wtf is going on with you?
Delivered : 11:46 p.m

Sent : Just been busy. I'll call you back when I get settled.
Read : 11:48 p.m

From T💜 : You better. Or I will pull up.
Delivered : 11:48 p.m

I can't deal with Tess' craziness on top of Dave and his craziness. I ignored it all and got in the shower preparing myself for whatever the rest of this night is going to bring.

~Dave POV

"Wassup." I said walking into Teagan's house. "Hi." She said. "What was so important?" I asked. "Where have you been? I mean you haven't been returning my calls. You haven't showed up to your new fucking job. I mean what's going on with you?" She asked. "Yo I completely blanked from that job." I sighed. "I can tell. Are you okay?"

"How do you thing I'm doing?"

"Dave what? How the hell am I supposed to know how you're doing?" She scoffed. "Seriously? You don't know?"

"Know what Dave?"

"My daughter died two weeks ago. It's been all over social media." I said making her eyes widen. "Oh my gosh! I didn't know. I don't have any social media." She said. "Yeah well, that's why I haven't really been available for all that shit." I said. "Well now I don't know how to break this news to you." She said making me raise a brow. "What news?" She walked off and came back with some papers. "Proof of pregnancy form? Why are you showing me this?" I asked. "Because I'm pregnant Dave." She sighed. "What the hell you telling me that for?"

"It's your baby."


~ashkash2 💋

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